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Matrix Reloaded ::: SPOILERS :::

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  • Matrix Reloaded ::: SPOILERS :::

    Well i just saw the Matrix tonight (Wed). I thought it was great but could of been better if they cut out the last 20 minutes of the movie. The action scenes ruled big time. Since they made both movies at the same time. At the end you feel that they just cut it off at a certain point.

    When Neo met the architect, did anyone else think what he said was weird? That Zion was destroyed 5 times before Neo. Maybe it was just me but that part made no real sense.

    If anyone wants to add be my guest. I guessing i'll have to see it twice to pick up on some stuff.

    Out of 10 Overall.
    I felt they left out some info , and the architect part was weird.
    I personally liked the first one better.

    " Trust in me and fall as well."

  • #2
    I agree, that part did not make sense >< and i felt it wasnt as good as the first. My favorite part was with the agent smiths, the rest was just getting too complicated >< it was craziness. I still need to think of what i think of the movie overall. Alot of confusion


    • #3
      Neo's conversation with the architect made perfect sense...
      The Prophecy and the whole idea of "The One" is nothing but a security test (to test itself against anomalies) and some sort of resistance against humans (by aknowledging the fact that they have instilled people with Neo's power in the past 5 times) ...remember how he gave Neo the choice to return to the Matrix and choose 23 people to start another Zion (like it was said above, this is the 6th Zion...meaning the Matrix may be millenias old) OR to trip the security, destroy the MainFrame, and cause a probable crash in the system, which may kill all who are connected...The Matrix has known what it's been doing all along...It's just that this time, you have lots of rouge elements in the mix (Agent Smith uploading himself from the matrix and Neo's weird EMP like shield in the real world for example)...I have a feeling most of Revolutions will take place in the real world...

      Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


      • #4
        Guess that makes sense , thanks DJplaeskool.
        Probably gonna see it again soon , so hopefully i'll pick up on it the 2nd time.

        Anyone else think the chase scene ruled? Just something about Morpheus with a Katana thats cool. I was also hopeing for more shoot outs. But then again thats what "Enter the Matrix" is for. =)

        " Trust in me and fall as well."


        • #5
          The architect looked liked Colonel Sanders hehe
          (pronounced Vy-ro)


          • #6
            For a second i thought the Architect was "Donald Sutherland" , but ya he did look like colonel sanders.

            " Trust in me and fall as well."


            • #7
              This movie was great so neo was not really the "One" wow.. and BTW in the ending that other guy that was the person trying to kill Neo was the same guy in the ending? if thats so that means that agent is in his body because you remeber the dream Neo had? am i right or wrong?
              Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

              Merits - 98
              Goldsmith - 85.2


              • #8
                yeah, yeah, spoilers. you guys all know the drill.

                yeah, you're right, gamer. they're both the same person. hence the reason there was only one survivor (him) and why the EMP pulse was triggered early, dooming the counter-attack. the guy's name is Kane (Cain, whatever) and if you remember, in the council scene, he also tried to get his captain to volunteer for the rescue mission, probably so he could screw that one up, too.


                • #9
                  ehh, it was a pretty good movie. Better than I expected, I think the best thing about the Matrix movies is the direction and camera work though.
                  Thats a good technique that writers use in stories and movies, setting up fundamental laws and "truths" of your story's universe then useing revelations to shatter those laws.

                  Like how it was stated Zion was around 100 years old, when it in fact should be over 600 years old, or the fact that in the first movie Agent Smith said there was another Matrix before the current one, leading the viewer to believe this was the 2nd Matrix when the architect said it was the 6th.

                  This is what we call a "plot twist" boys and girls.
                  "I am the walker in the secret places, thought shadow, nightmare weaving.
                  I am the silver axe that cleaves the necks of innocence, the laughter in the flame, the silence in the scream of agony.
                  I am the dark priest of chaos, existing before all things, and behold I shall be when all order dies.
                  I am the antithesis of all things,
                  I! Am Darkness!!
                  I!! Am!! Entropy!!!!"
                  "By ancient rite and lore, by that which is scribed on the soul of all humanity, I call forth thy hidden strength.
                  By the darkness and the light, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, I summon thy potential, By God and Demon, Man and Beast, by Chaos itself, I call thee!"
                  "Blossom oh fallen seed! I grant unto thee the glorious power of the mother of destruction! My fist is the divine breath!"


                  • #10
                    I loved the movie. I thought that it was better than the first one, but that's just my opinion. The only thing that I didn't like about it was that some of the CGI was very evident, but of course it couldn't have been helped.

                    As far as the ending feeling like it was all abrupt and everything... I didn't have a problem with it. The sequel comes out in November, so it wasn't like they were going to tie everything up.


                    • #11
                      Anyone else get a Serial Experiments Lain déjà vu while watching this movie, other then myself? (If you've seen Lain you'll understand... If not, then don't worry about it)
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Shinrai Kiri
                        Anyone else think the chase scene ruled? Just something about Morpheus with a Katana thats cool. I was also hopeing for more shoot outs. But then again thats what "Enter the Matrix" is for. =)
                        the chase scene was awesome

                        havent seen lain... :spin: and, i think joo all got everything explained all nice-like, so im just gonna hafta reinforce the fact that the movie was awesome :spin: :spin:

                        would have liked the architect scene to be a bit more clear... oh, and wtf was up with all them screens with neo saying various vulgarities at certain points? didnt get that part :spin: were those what he was thinking or something? anyways, that whole part was really confusing... cant wait to see it again
                        ~Race/Gender- TaruTaru/M
                        ~Server- Unicorn

                        WHM-12, BLM-7, WAR-7, MNK-5, RDM-5, THF-1


                        • #13
                          I dont think anyone has mentioned the Twins yet. They were pretty cool... being all ghosty and stuff.

                          It was semi-odd how they somehow managed to explain werewolves and ghosts and other paranormal anomalies.

                          I think itd be worth it to go see it again just to try and absorb everything they shot at you. It almost actually takes a brain to understand.


                          • #14
                            i got a q.. n e 1 know what the song was during the 1st fight scene w/ trinity? that song was hella wack....

                            _[c r o n o]__//-- Midgardsormr: 75PLD-active | Cactuar: 52PLD-deleted



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GlaDiuM
                              I dont think anyone has mentioned the Twins yet. They were pretty cool... being all ghosty and stuff.
                              I think they where one of the best characters in the movie I just love espically when there is a little part when you see both twins fighting morphies or like 10 seconds its soooo cool

                              BTW I bought the DvD (bootleg:sweat: ) and I put the part when the twins blows up. I think they don't die because I put me DvD in slow motion and I see the twins changing invinsalbe so that means they are alive yes I still want to see them they rock man
                              Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                              Merits - 98
                              Goldsmith - 85.2

