Re: A Real American Hero! (GI Joe Movie) Topic
On my movie rating scale, it'd have to rank pretty low for me not to like it. By not like it I mean it'd have to be on the level of DB:E (RAPED MY CHILDHOOD!!! Refused to watch the 2nd half of the movie.) or Punisher: WarZone (Why did I watch this? Pass me a knife so I can kill myself.) I could easily rank it in my top 20 favorites of all time, Batman TDK, Batman, and Iron Man are my top 3.
I agree that the Trilogy-Anthology thingy is getting overdone but there was alot of story in GI Joe, (Hopefully there will be no 1000 spinoffs... Although I might actually like seeing a Stormshadow and Snake Eyes Movie
) Something else that is starting to be overdone is the "Scene after the credits." The worse one I ever saw was the one at the end of the Wolverine movie.
Nah, this movie was not on that level lmao. The funny thing is that there were a bunch of movies that were horribad that when we were younger and didn't know any better, we actually thought were pretty cool. Now that we are older and know better, we now realize how horrible most of them really were. GI Joe IMO would not be on this list.
*Starts the List*
Street Fighter: Nothing to See here....Move Along.
Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li: (This movie was ok but then when it got towards the end it just got worse and worse and they had the nerve to try to set up a sequel.)
Super Mario Bros: The Movie: (If it came on TV I'd watch it lmao)
Mortal Kombat + Annhiliation: (If either came on TV I'd watch lol)
Dragonball Evolution: (I'm glad I didn't pay to see this, I would've walked out. And for that matter I only watched half of the movie. I heard awhile back that they had setup to make 2 sequels to this movie, what in the hell made them think it'd catch on??? How the hell did this movie make more money than Chun Li???) While I'm on the subject, WTF is with the Z-Edition of the DVD.... Did they think adding the "Z-Edition" to the end of it to make it better? From what I hear, the "Z-Edtion" doesn't even have anything really different from the original version.
Punisher Warzone: (Why what in teh eff...After the success of The Punisher (2004) Why did the even think about making this abomination/atrocity)
TMNT3: It wasn't really that bad and probably shouldn't even be on this list (Buying the TMNT Anthology on BLU-Ray today ^_^)
Wolverine: (They should've made the Magneto movie instead. IMO)
Deadpool: (It hasn't even came out yet, but if it is made like Wolverine I have a feeling it'll be horribad)
Spiderman 3: So much potential....
Superman Returns: Gah!!!
Something I've always wondered, why do certain movies have more showings at release that others? I assumed our local movie theater would have a bunch of showings for GI Joe, at least as many as Transformers, but no it was way less. I wonder if all of the critial incredibad reviews the movie got before it came out had anything to do with it. I even read a article bashing the horrible reviews that were given, saying that most of the critics hadn't even saw the movie, and just basically based their review on the trailer. (Kinda like BBQ saying he thought it ruin his childhood from the looks of the trailer and he decided he'd pass on it.)
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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I agree that the Trilogy-Anthology thingy is getting overdone but there was alot of story in GI Joe, (Hopefully there will be no 1000 spinoffs... Although I might actually like seeing a Stormshadow and Snake Eyes Movie

Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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*Starts the List*
Street Fighter: Nothing to See here....Move Along.

Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li: (This movie was ok but then when it got towards the end it just got worse and worse and they had the nerve to try to set up a sequel.)
Super Mario Bros: The Movie: (If it came on TV I'd watch it lmao)
Mortal Kombat + Annhiliation: (If either came on TV I'd watch lol)
Dragonball Evolution: (I'm glad I didn't pay to see this, I would've walked out. And for that matter I only watched half of the movie. I heard awhile back that they had setup to make 2 sequels to this movie, what in the hell made them think it'd catch on??? How the hell did this movie make more money than Chun Li???) While I'm on the subject, WTF is with the Z-Edition of the DVD.... Did they think adding the "Z-Edition" to the end of it to make it better? From what I hear, the "Z-Edtion" doesn't even have anything really different from the original version.
Punisher Warzone: (Why what in teh eff...After the success of The Punisher (2004) Why did the even think about making this abomination/atrocity)
TMNT3: It wasn't really that bad and probably shouldn't even be on this list (Buying the TMNT Anthology on BLU-Ray today ^_^)
Wolverine: (They should've made the Magneto movie instead. IMO)
Deadpool: (It hasn't even came out yet, but if it is made like Wolverine I have a feeling it'll be horribad)
Spiderman 3: So much potential....
Superman Returns: Gah!!!
Something I've always wondered, why do certain movies have more showings at release that others? I assumed our local movie theater would have a bunch of showings for GI Joe, at least as many as Transformers, but no it was way less. I wonder if all of the critial incredibad reviews the movie got before it came out had anything to do with it. I even read a article bashing the horrible reviews that were given, saying that most of the critics hadn't even saw the movie, and just basically based their review on the trailer. (Kinda like BBQ saying he thought it ruin his childhood from the looks of the trailer and he decided he'd pass on it.)