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X-Men 2!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by carl713

    No...shes not an alien...but she is a cyberneticly enhanced human...her and her gang(dont rememmber their name off hand)kinda 'fused' her and a machine together...sorta...

    She used to love Wolvie(ironic...aint it!)...but then he left and got captured by...ummm...SHI*...i forgot the name of the grope that captured him...:sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:

    anyway...thats when he got his adimantium(spelt wrong...i know) put in...

    then...when he broke free...Wolvie wound up killing Lady D's dad...she found out bout this and freaked...

    ...she then vowed to kill Wolvie from that day on...

    ...or so the story goes...

    don't forget she and wolverine loved eachother in feudal Japan! Also the group that captured Wolverine was Alpha Strike (aka freaking weak canadian military posse) that Wolverine later became a part of after or was it before? the adimantium
    Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


    • #32
      Thats for sure...

      but, as with the last one, i'm still bothered with all the broken Timelines in the story...

      dont get me wrong, its a good movie...but take Colosus for example...he shouldnt even be there(and he didnt have a Russian accent)!

      But that i could have lived with...but why OH WHY!!!! did Lady Deathstrike have to sux soooo much!!! they didnt even put in the whole thing about her and Wolverine being ex-lovers! I was pissed!!!!!

      then...(though kinda tru to the cartoon)Cyclops was a freakin little girl throughout the whole movie!!!!


      but...with that all behind me...there was a part in the movie that was, truly...damn cool...

      and thats the end...thats right...

      ...I'm talking bout the one and only....

      PHOENIX !!!!!!!!!!!!

      Thx for the sig TenTako!!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Luc
        All I have to say, is that if there is an X-3, some of the mutants I would like to see are:

        ((* means I really want them to appear))
        I also know Jubilee has been in both movies, but she did jack shit. ^_^;;
        if i am correct...not only was Beast in this movie(he didnt have that blue hair yet...and only for about 5 seconds...), but he will be in the next one!!!

        as will gambit and more Jubilee...

        i could be wrong about those last two but i know for sure that Beast will be in X-3!!

        Thx for the sig TenTako!!


        • #34
          Originally posted by carl713

          if i am correct...not only was Beast in this movie(he didnt have that blue hair yet...and only for about 5 seconds...), but he will be in the next one!!!

          as will gambit and more Jubilee...

          i could be wrong about those last two but i know for sure that Beast will be in X-3!!

          when did u see beast?

          remind me who jubilee is, im in school, cant remember, its been awhile........

          I thought Alan Cumming was a good nightcrawler


          • #35
            Originally posted by Dromar

            when did u see beast?

            remind me who jubilee is, im in school, cant remember, its been awhile........

            I thought Alan Cumming was a good nightcrawler

            Beast, or as he is seen in the movie(and his real name), Hank McCoy, is seen on the TV during the beginning of the Bar Sceen with that Police Officer Guy and Mystic...

            Jubilee is that useless girl that can shoot "Fireworks" out of her fingers...

            Tru...NC was damn cool!


            And there was also a mention of Gambit in the movie as well!!

            During the sceen where Mystic is serching the computer of Stryker...Gambits name, Remmy Lebeau, is on there...

            Thx for the sig TenTako!!


            • #36

              I thought the movie was pretty good. I never expected them to make a movie that would fit perfectly with the comics so I wasnt really disapointed or anything. Nightcrawler's warp-smack technique during the begining was pretty cool. They should have had Colossus on there more. and....

              The house scene was so great IMO. Pyro was about to burn them fools up hahahaha.


              • #37
                Other mutants in the movie are Shadowcat, Artie(morlock I do believe if you are a fan of the comic book), and Siren are the ones that I recognized amongst the kids. Also someone earlier in the thread did not know the name of the group that Lady D hung with, it was the Reavers and they attacked Wolverine when the X-Men were lost in the Seige Perilous. That storyline also marked the first appearance of Jubilee as well. Did anyone else besides me catch the name of the mutant that was above Magneto's real name when Mystique was in Lady D's office? It was Remy LeBeau(aka Gambit). Well thats it for now, have any other questions about X-Men fire away and I will try and answer them for you. Oh by the way I am an avid fan of X-Men and I absolutely loved X2.

                Also Lady D is not a mutant nor does she have regenative powers either.

                Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
                Genkai FINISHED!!
                Maat finally went down.
                All BLM AF1 - Acquired
                All WHM AF1 - Acquired
                Windurst Rank 7


                • #38
                  The director of X-Men and X-Men 2 said in an interview that they are working on X-Men 3.



                  • #39
                    Did anyone else notice that jean grey turned into the Pheonix at the end?

                    The movie is great and I cant wait for the next one....Rogue is suppose to be able to fly and have superhuman strength by now though.

                    Also Lady Deathstrike is the same as wolverine in everyway....and she did not die in that dam trust me....If the movie is going by the comic that is.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Kevin
                      Did anyone else notice that jean grey turned into the Pheonix at the end?

                      The movie is great and I cant wait for the next one....Rogue is suppose to be able to fly and have superhuman strength by now though.
                      Read the messages... we've already been talking about Phoenix -_-;;


                      • #41
                        oops did not see that ....


                        • #42

                          guys... i have a question about Wolverine and Cycrop last sentence in the movie.

                          "she didn't make a choice, it was YOU" (or something like that..? :sweat: ?)

                          what was that about???

                          and why jean doesn't stay inside the jet and use her power, but has to stay outside???:confused: :confused: :confused:
                          (what's the different between inside and outside?)

                          (and yes, i know about the bird... just wondering why she did what she did, that's all:confused: :confused: :confused: )

                          [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
                          [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


                          • #43
                            Wolverine said "She made did make a choice... It was you." Because Cyclops felt Jean liked Logan more than him.


                            • #44
                              The best way I can describe X-2 would have to be "meh".

                              It would have made more sense for Bobby to use his Iceman powers to stop the flood... But then I suppose there'd be less "drama".


                              • #45
                                and Iceman isn't that powerful yet. he's still only a teenager. anyways, i personally loved the movie. nightcrawler is my new favorite dude. about the only thing i really had a problem with was Colossus's voice. he wasn't Russian. whats up with that?

                                EDIT: Irinicus, i'm glad i wasn't the only one who caught Gambit's name. also, did you happen to catch the name of the dude on the television in the bar scene? if i remember right, it was Hank McCoy, who is the Beast. please correct me if i'm wrong.

