Originally posted by carl713
No...shes not an alien...but she is a cyberneticly enhanced human...her and her gang(dont rememmber their name off hand)kinda 'fused' her and a machine together...sorta...
She used to love Wolvie(ironic...aint it!)...but then he left and got captured by...ummm...SHI*...i forgot the name of the grope that captured him...:sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:
anyway...thats when he got his adimantium(spelt wrong...i know) put in...
then...when he broke free...Wolvie wound up killing Lady D's dad...she found out bout this and freaked...
...she then vowed to kill Wolvie from that day on...
...or so the story goes...
No...shes not an alien...but she is a cyberneticly enhanced human...her and her gang(dont rememmber their name off hand)kinda 'fused' her and a machine together...sorta...
She used to love Wolvie(ironic...aint it!)...but then he left and got captured by...ummm...SHI*...i forgot the name of the grope that captured him...:sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:
anyway...thats when he got his adimantium(spelt wrong...i know) put in...
then...when he broke free...Wolvie wound up killing Lady D's dad...she found out bout this and freaked...
...she then vowed to kill Wolvie from that day on...
...or so the story goes...