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New TV Dilemma

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  • New TV Dilemma

    This week Futureshop ( I live in Canada btw, if that helps at all with this >.>) has a deal going on where you get the following:

    3 Blu Ray Movies, 1 PS3 Game, a PS3 60 GB, and a 40" Flat-Panel LCD HDTV with 1080p (Pretty sure it's a Bravia model, though it doesn't say which specifically) all for $2299.99, or $100 a month no interest. Total savings of $725

    Now I already own a PS3 60 GB as of last weekend, and my dad told me the guys there will refund that into my account (I'll still technically be paying for it in the 100 a month, but in the mean time that'll be $600+ back into my account)

    On the other hand, Best Buy has a really sweet 46" Aquas Sharp with 10000:1 contrast ratio and other goodies.

    But it's also $2799.99 @ _ @ and as such I'd likely be waiting until boxing day to buy that bugger.

    Not really sure what to do here. I just want a nice TV for my new PS3 that isn't gonna lag or look a lot worse by comparison. Yeah, they've got newer and better models coming out all the time, but for now I think what's out there is plenty good enough. Just gotta pick one >. <

    The Futureshop bundle (which I still have to look into since I don't know the stats of the TV that's packed in it) or the single (and probably higher quality) TV from best buy for a bit more.


  • #2
    Re: New TV Dilemma

    I'm looking at a 52" HD CRT rear projection for like $800 (though i believe its only 780 not 1080), so personally I'd consider both deals to be something of a ripoff.

    You pay through the nose for those extra 8" going to 40" from 32" so unless you live in a pretty big place, you can probably find a 32" thats a better deal.
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    • #3
      Re: New TV Dilemma

      I haven't really looked into the pricing of BD movies, but if you break the pricing down:

      PS3 - $499.99
      PS3 Game - $59.99
      BD Movie - $20 each(??) *3 = $60
      Tally: $619.98 USD (Too lazy to look up the Canadian conversion.)

      With that said/guessed, that means the TV runs nearly $1700. The TV I'm looking at is a 42" Panasonic 1080p TV, and even BEFORE my work discount, it's roughly $1500. HD TVs are still expensive to most people, but a bundle like this seems silly to me. You already have a PS3, so unless there's some big savings on the TV when bought in that crazy bundle, just find something affordable that will get the job done.

      42" TV is plenty for me, but I have a small apartment. Maybe if I owned a house, or had a pimped out basement I'd consider going bigger, but honestly, even 42" is pretty huge. My current TVs 27" and my monitor is 24". Both get the job done for me.
      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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      • #4
        Re: New TV Dilemma

        I'd go for the 40" Bravia instead of the Aquos.

        Aquos are pretty good for their price range, I got a cheap 720p Aquos while I get a decent 1080p display (I live in mx) and it has a pretty good image quality, but a Bravia is better. Also, depending on how you are gonna use your new TV (if it's for both for both PC gaming and PS3/HDTV) the 40" 1080p display would be much better in case you'll be sitting kinda close to it.

        And the 6" difference wont make up for the money you are going to save and the image quality you get from a Bravia compared to an Aquos (not even considering the game+movies), that's for sure.

        But in the end it all depends on how you are gonna use it and if you want a big screen or not.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #5
          Re: New TV Dilemma

          Mainly for my PS3. Why the Bravia though? Bravia has a slower refresh rate (8 ms vs 4) and quite a lower contrast ratio.

          You're right about the money being saved, it's quite a big difference. On the other hand, I don't want to get shafted on my TV either. My brother has an Aquos in his room, and it's very nice as is the model I was looking at in the store (the 46")



          • #6
            Re: New TV Dilemma

            It depends on the model but from what I've seen Bravia LCDs have much better colors and black levels than any other LCD display I've seen so far (although the OP didn't have the Bravia's model so I can't make a proper comparison). And while Aquos displays perform very well the color/image quality difference is very noticeable, specially on darker movies.

            That been said, as always, the best way for you to decide which HDTV is best for you is going to the store and look at them yourself rather than trusting the specs listed on web sites. Although I did read some Cnet reviews to get an idea of what to expect before going to check displays out personally (back when I was looking for an HDTV), I could only decide after looking at the display at the store.

            In my case I went for that 720p Aquos instead of getting an overpriced 1080p because the 1080p models I was interested in are not available in mx and US stores wont ship electronics here (and we have to pay 30-50% more than what they pay in the US so the display I got was a really good deal all things considered).

            But you shouldn't have that problem and have many more models to choose from in Canada, or at least I hope so.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #7
              Re: New TV Dilemma

              Personally I don't think there's any question: if Bravia's an option, go for Bravia. While shopping for my own TV I constantly stared longingly towards each Bravia I looked at, as each was consistently better quality than anything else out there.

              If you haven't checked it out yourself, go look and see. There's a night and day difference between the top of the line Bravia sets and even the top of the line Samsung sets, the latter of which I still consider to look fantastic.

              Don't go for Aquos. While they're more affordable, you're paying less for much lower quality. I know it's tough to justify the purchase at times, but if you're going for a quality HDTV, it really is best to just pay the extra couple-hundred dollars and get something that is really worth the purchase.
              PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
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              • #8
                Re: New TV Dilemma

                Really o . O

                Because I was comparing the two lines of TV's (FS carries Bravia while BB carries Aquos) and the Aquos seemed to have the better stats. Also I really did like that Aquos I saw.

                But then again, I've yet to actually see a Bravia, so I suppose I really should cart my arse down to FS ASAP (monday most likely) and see it for myself.

                I'm so lost when it comes to things like Refresh rate too... @. @ last I checked Bravia's had a lower contrast ratio and a longer refresh rate than Aquaos (2000:1 True Contrast vs 1300:1 and 4ms vs 8 ms)

                I just want whatever TV is going to last me a while and will look great on my PS3 without any discernible lag > <

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

