Anyone else big into comics? I'm looking forward to the new direction Amazing Spider-Man is taking at the end of this year.
If anyone's been following the book lately, Aunt May is on her death bed, caught by a sniper's bullet intended for Mary Jane. Joe Quesada and the rest of the Marvel team are planning on completely reworking the current form of the Amazing Spider-Man books and universe, shifting around the roles of some major characters (it's rumoured that Mary Jane will die soon as well).
Sensational Spider-Man and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man are being cancelled, and Amazing Spider-Man is going to be released thrice-monthly starting at the beginning of 2008. In addition, the new team of four writers (from the likes of Avengers: Initiative, Back to the Future, Runaways, and Blade) will be joining five artists to create a newly imagined New York City for Peter Parker, complete with new supporting characters and new villains, by the likes of "Menace" and "Mr. Negative." The team says they want to quit focusing on the same old villains used for the last 40 years and create a new list of "classic" Spider-Man villains.
Granted, Marvel's tried to take Amazing to a twice-monthly release and the quality dropped enourmously, but they didn't support the team the way they are now. Quesada says they want to take as much influence from the Golden Age of Amazing and recreate what was most important about those stories. Following the old to create an entirely new direction for Spider-Man, I'm really excited about what's coming up in December with the One More Day one-shot book. It'll be followed by the Brand New Day story-arc, which will begin the new era of Amazing Spider-Man.