Re: New Transformers Trailer
Though I can't get into the link you provided, if it's related to the TF movie I more then likely already seen it. I'm on my work com and they block a lot of sites.
Also, this isn't a cartoon, it's a Live action film that's aiming for a PG-13 rating. Transformers have *always* been a toy first and a cartoon about the toys second, and as such has *always* been directly aimed at children. The original movie was more mature then the series, but it was still nothing more then an 80 minute toy commecial featuring Hasbro's new line of figures. Even the ones who weren't outright killed in the film were never seen again in the show, save for prime who returned by popular demand, as they wanted to sell their new stuff.
It's easy to make this into a film that adults will enjoy, just make the story more gritty and well thought out, the characters more realistic instead of the oneliner stereotypical characters they were in the show and make sure there is tons of impressive and explosive action in it.
When the announcement trailer was shown in theaters, people *laughed* at it. Now that the teaser trailer is out, people see it's not the same walking bricks they remember from when they were kids and that this is a serious flick. This film is directly competeing with the Simpsons, FF 2, Hulk 2, Spiderman 3, Die Hard 4 *and* the new Harry Potter movie. For it to be successful it *has* to have some edge to it and it has to be attractive to more then just kids and the fandom. The reason why Spiderman, Xmen, Batman Begins and the LoTR trilogy were successful is because they were aimed at an older audience. They were deep, fun, action packed films that could draw in both old and young, and Transformers needs to do the same.
Originally posted by Omni
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Also, this isn't a cartoon, it's a Live action film that's aiming for a PG-13 rating. Transformers have *always* been a toy first and a cartoon about the toys second, and as such has *always* been directly aimed at children. The original movie was more mature then the series, but it was still nothing more then an 80 minute toy commecial featuring Hasbro's new line of figures. Even the ones who weren't outright killed in the film were never seen again in the show, save for prime who returned by popular demand, as they wanted to sell their new stuff.
It's easy to make this into a film that adults will enjoy, just make the story more gritty and well thought out, the characters more realistic instead of the oneliner stereotypical characters they were in the show and make sure there is tons of impressive and explosive action in it.
When the announcement trailer was shown in theaters, people *laughed* at it. Now that the teaser trailer is out, people see it's not the same walking bricks they remember from when they were kids and that this is a serious flick. This film is directly competeing with the Simpsons, FF 2, Hulk 2, Spiderman 3, Die Hard 4 *and* the new Harry Potter movie. For it to be successful it *has* to have some edge to it and it has to be attractive to more then just kids and the fandom. The reason why Spiderman, Xmen, Batman Begins and the LoTR trilogy were successful is because they were aimed at an older audience. They were deep, fun, action packed films that could draw in both old and young, and Transformers needs to do the same.