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Favorite Rappers

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  • #16
    Re: Favorite Rappers

    Originally posted by Hori
    Ok, I edited my initial post, sorry if it seems I was saying you said they were fake.

    Now I have been producing music for over 15 years. I have listened to real hip hop for about 15 years.

    If you know anything about the music industry you will know that most of the rappers you hear on mainstream radio or see on mainstream music television are products of a corporation. Most do not write their own songs(or have alot of other people involved in writing of songs)

    In my opinion most "rappers" that I see on TV or on mainstream radio are nothing more than the rap equivalent of brittney spears or jessica simpson.

    Of course there are mainstream artists in all genres that do have some substance but its few and far between.
    well said


    • #17
      Re: Favorite Rappers

      Originally posted by Hori
      Ok, I edited my initial post, sorry if it seems I was saying you said they were fake.

      Now I have been producing music for over 15 years. I have listened to real hip hop for about 15 years.

      If you know anything about the music industry you will know that most of the rappers you hear on mainstream radio or see on mainstream music television are products of a corporation. Most do not write their own songs(or have alot of other people involved in writing of songs)

      In my opinion most "rappers" that I see on TV or on mainstream radio are nothing more than the rap equivalent of brittney spears or jessica simpson.

      Of course there are mainstream artists in all genres that do have some substance but its few and far between.
      Right I agree, however of the ones I've listed, Beastie Boys and Jay-Z (remember I'm only saying I like his old stuff), are really the only ones seen on TV. K-Os is but really only in Canada, and read the inside of his album covers to see his view on Rap today lol. Dizzee Rascal is on TV in England but isn't all that much of a 'prodcut'

      I get what you're saying though. Pretty much any rap that makes it onto MTV would fit your reasoning.


      • #18
        Re: Favorite Rappers

        Well i dont think its fair to say that most popular rappers are products. just because theyre successful doesnt mean that theyre not talented or dont write their own music. you can just assume all you want, though, but thats about it.
        Black Mage of Ragnarok
        Looking for 10-75 Set pt members


        • #19
          Re: Favorite Rappers

          Only the dead ones.
          Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


          • #20
            Re: Favorite Rappers

            Originally posted by Tempest07
            Well i dont think its fair to say that most popular rappers are products. just because theyre successful doesnt mean that theyre not talented or dont write their own music. you can just assume all you want, though, but thats about it.
            PPl assume if they make it mainstream they aren't real anymore. I think it's BS of ppl to say I only like the old stuff or the stuff they did when they were underground. In my eyes just because you like underground stuff it doesn't make you any better or realer the the next person. I can truely say to get paid doing something you love is everyones dream. (And the best feeling in the world <-Mangaka!!)

            It's kinda the same with anime...ppl say I only watch the Japanese imports and all that stuff on NA is crap pfffft!. ROFL little do they know those subtitles are off. AHAHA...
            → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
            (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

            ♂ ラブストーリー♀


            • #21
              Re: Favorite Rappers

              Originally posted by Tempest07
              Well i dont think its fair to say that most popular rappers are products. just because theyre successful doesnt mean that theyre not talented or dont write their own music. you can just assume all you want, though, but thats about it.
              Please reread my post, this is not my assumption, this is the fact of the music industry. I never said because they are successful they are products, not did I say they were not talented.

              You appearently know nothing about the music industry and the way record labels work. I am not going to go further and hi-jack this thread with a discussion about how it works. The info is out there if you want to educate yourself on the music industry.

              Now for the people who like Del~ check out his album "Del The Funky Homosapien Future Development"
              This album was made right after Jive dropped him from the label and gives alot of insight into how record execs treat artists who are not "comforming" to what sells.
              Great album

              Edit: Tempest if you listen to "mainstream hip hop and buy the albums~ look in the liner notes see who writes the songs, some do but many dont. Its all about selling points.

              Hori retreated from battle. What a coward.
              San d'Oria
              (´ ゜ω゜`)
              Don't like to haste our precious NIN tank? You're not RDM, then. -Apple Pie/Grendal


              • #22
                Re: Favorite Rappers

                just because i take up for them, it doesnt mean that thats's all i listen to. id like to know how the industry works too.

                which rappers are "products?"

                most indies do see their music as the only "real" thing, especially in jacksonville, where you wouldnt think that an underground circuit would exist.

                like i can go to the sandalwood courts, there's people wanting you to buy their cds. you can talk to them, and theyll maybe say "this aint no fake <insert popular rapper's name here> shit." hell, nas has problems with both 50 and jayzs successes, calling them both out over it at one of hot97's things. youll always here "dont support corporate rap cause theyre fake" out at the underground places, and its really just getting annoying.
                Last edited by Tempest07; 08-03-2005, 05:51 PM.
                Black Mage of Ragnarok
                Looking for 10-75 Set pt members


                • #23
                  Re: Favorite Rappers

                  Snow lmfao

                  fk yes


                  • #24
                    Re: Favorite Rappers

                    Beastie Boys are cool.

                    They've been around before MTV.


                    • #25
                      Re: Favorite Rappers

                      Originally posted by Hori
                      Edit: Tempest if you listen to "mainstream hip hop and buy the albums~ look in the liner notes see who writes the songs, some do but many dont. Its all about selling points.
                      funny you should say that because back in the days: I'm refering mostly to the motown era very few of them actucally wrote or produced what they sung. Even during the 50's too. But these artist are considered some of the great music lengends of all time, not because of if they wrote the song or not but of their voice. Standards have since changed but people do need to remember that.
                      Last edited by Arris; 08-20-2005, 01:03 AM. Reason: blah engrish >.>;;
                      → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
                      (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

                      ♂ ラブストーリー♀


                      • #26
                        Re: Favorite Rappers

                        Originally posted by 711rocks
                        Snow lmfao
                        Snow and Vanilla Ice practically proved to the world that white guys can't rap XD


                        • #27
                          Re: Favorite Rappers

                          I thought what Vanilla Ice was doing was a joke...?
                          I remember seeing something on TV where he was a heavy metalist, which he transformed into after years of his "Ice Ice Baby" days.


                          • #28
                            Re: Favorite Rappers

                            Originally posted by Isendre
                            hmm lemme see , my list of likes would be way to long so i will go with dislikes

                            1. ICP
                            2. ICP
                            3. well you get my point

                            i pretty much like atleast one song from everyone lol except ICP lolol

                            Though they're the most hated rap artists in the world. They're lyrical geniuses.

                            Believe it or not Eminem use to be Juggalo and attend every ICP concert he could get to. Eminem was influenced by ICP + Esham.

                            Without ICP... Eminem wouldn't be a name.

                            But my favorite rappers would be

                            1.Geto Boys (Damn it feels good to be a gangsta!)
                            2.Jedi Mind Tricks
                            3.Immortal Technique
                            5.Aesop Rock
                            You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper......


                            • #29
                              Re: Favorite Rappers

                              While you seem educated in this and I'm not necessarily doubting you. ICP is garbage. I see no genius in their lyrics. It's all stupid, shock-factor junk to me. I consider them performers for like a show, not musical artists. They do dress up and wear makeup afterall >.>


                              • #30
                                Re: Favorite Rappers

                                Originally posted by Hori
                                Ok, I edited my initial post, sorry if it seems I was saying you said they were fake.

                                Now I have been producing music for over 15 years. I have listened to real hip hop for about 15 years.

                                If you know anything about the music industry you will know that most of the rappers you hear on mainstream radio or see on mainstream music television are products of a corporation. Most do not write their own songs(or have alot of other people involved in writing of songs)

                                In my opinion most "rappers" that I see on TV or on mainstream radio are nothing more than the rap equivalent of brittney spears or jessica simpson.

                                Of course there are mainstream artists in all genres that do have some substance but its few and far between.
                                Amen! I call them Pop Hop. However some of the artists listed do not fall into that Pop Hop group.

                                I like some of Kanye Wests stuff, I really like Common, Taleb Kwali, Ganstarr, Mos Def, older Jay-Z albums, Beastie Boys, Del La Soul, Tribe Called Quest, Biggie, and some others that are escaping me now.

                                On a whole though, recent rap just doesn't do it for me. An entire album of pretty much the same song just with a different beat. {No thanks.}
                                PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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                                Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                                SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1

