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The Two Towers

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  • #31
    I mean fight the spider. Not that Nasgoth. Remember in the movie, Gollum was saying "We could let her... do it. Yes, yes! Let her kill the hobbitses, and we take our precious!" By her, Gollum means a giant spider. I thought they were sposed to fight the spider at the very end of the second book...


    • #32
      Oohh, so that's what he was talking about. Guess they ran out of their special effects budget. Had to wait for it to replenish itself.
      Orko [Retired] - BLM 62, WHM 31, SMN 16, BRD 13, THF 10, SAM 10, DRK 9, PLD 8, WAR 7, MNK 5, RNG 4, BST 4, DRG 4, RDM 1, NIN 1
      Slurpee [Retired] - WAR 18, THF 13, MNK 10, Everything Else = 1

      Current chance of returning to Vana'Diel - 35% (Chances better if I can get in on Return Home to Vana'diel Part 2)


      • #33
        well its probably the start of the 3rd then


        • #34
          Im not guna go see it... too long for me
          I plan to live forever.. so far so good.

          Celeras - Jack of all trades: Bold = Current main, Italics = Current Sub.
          (HumeMale)-Blm60, Whm30, Pld54, War30, Drg16, Nin15, Thf14, Bst08, Smn03, Mnk07, Others < 2 --- Status - Need a break
          Celeras - The Taru: (TaruMale)-Whm20, Blm20, Rdm15, Others 1 --- Status - Deleted
          Celeras - The Original!!: (ElvaanMale)-Thf44, Rng30, War15, Others < 5 --- Status - Deleted


          • #35
            I saw it on New Year's eve, pretty damn good.
            [SIZE=1]Connie Rank 6 Ramuh WHM 34 WAR 28 PLD 53 BLM 21 MNK 31 THF 15 RDM 22 *Deleted*


            • #36
              Originally posted by Orko
              Oohh, so that's what he was talking about. Guess they ran out of their special effects budget. Had to wait for it to replenish itself.
              PJ wanted it in the third movie so you get the whole story of what happens after the fight with Shelob so he could end LotR:TTT on a good note instead of the bad note of why Samwise fights Shelob alone. Enough from me so I don't spoil the non-read the book crowd.
              Corrigan : Jack-of-all-Trades, Master of None


              • #37
                Originally posted by Faramir82
                It was a good movie but they messed my favorite characters personality. They made Faramir like Boromir II.:mad: Faramir was nice and let the free after they caught Smeagol (Gollum), he never brought them to Osgiliath. But then it was nice to see Osgiliath.:sweat:
                I thought the same thing, I loved Faramir's role in the books.
                Originally posted by vagtark
                Why read the books if you could just watch the movie.:spin:
                Because the Book is always better.

                And I enjoyed both the movies quite a lot (despite what I've said above). My only major quarells with the movies are: Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith from The Matrix) playing Elrond....I think he's horrible for the role. And how much emphasis is on Aragorn and Arwen's love.... I won't explain why (Pm if you really must know) because it might ruin a few things for you.... Also because it's quite a long explaination. :confused:

                Everything else is quite extraordinary.


                • #38
                  I saw it midnight, the day before it came out(well...more like the day it came out) =D


                  • #39
                    I loved the movie! alot of times directors ruin the movies based on books cause they screw around with the story like for instance Dune (the one made in 2000) they totally messed it up by making Paul an arrogant little puss. But LOTR and TTT were awesome - even if they left some stuff out. I was also a bit disappointed with the Faramir change but I can over look it


                    • #40
                      the reason you read the books too is theres tons more details in the books than the movies.. tho i wouldent mind watching a 4 hr movie as long as its cool
                      The world is Square with Enix...heheh...Right


                      • #41
                        I saw that movie like a week after it came out.. it was pretty good.. better than the first.. ^_^

                        (sig made by raijin at


                        • #42
                          yall guess why ima ranger. Cus of lotr, ima always be a ranger cus of it. They shoulda made a archer job for FFXI dats wut i woulda bin but since ranger comes closest to using bows i picked dem


                          • #43
                            I liked LotR better then LotR 2, but it was ok
                            My weekly Latin quote:

                            "Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?"
                            Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?


                            • #44
                              Book was great, i love the way that tolkien described how Legolas ran on the grass and how he rest and stuff, that was dope. Anyone know when LotR2 comes out on DVD? or the extended version will be coming out? I've been a big fan for a long time. and so i hear that Mist of Avalon is pretty close to LotR. anyone read that wanna give me a bit info on that? thanks.
                              I don't know about u guys, but smeagol, aragorn, and gandalf rules!
                              Oh yeah, i hope they keep the ending the same as in the book or else it'll be extremely disappointing for me. :sweat:
                              The doorway to heaven lies beneath hell.

                              The wise taru: It's not the size that matter son.. it's how hard you fall.
                              (so if you fall through heaven, you'll land in hell)

                              Brd 43/ whm 41/ blm 31/ thf 6/bst 1/ war 5

