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nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

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  • nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

    GeForce GTX 700 Series Performance Comparison Chart Leaked < >


    LeakedTT: NVIDIA to skip 600-series, jump straight to GeForce GTX 780? Did I mention it is nearly twice as fast as the GTX 580? :: TweakTown USA Edition

    ... damn, really? The new 790 will be over twice as powerful as the 590.... holy tits.

    The 700 series on the whole looks phenomenal - too bad it's still 2 more years away.


  • #2
    Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

    It's sad that I wont see that kind of power for another two years, but at the same time it's nice to know I'll be good to go with my GTX 570 for that long, as well. Were there similar increases in performance between 280s and 480s?


    • #3
      Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

      Damn, thats crazy. I'm in the process of parting out a new rig, good to know the 5 series (560Ti and 570) are still super solid.
      Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


      This is why I J9:


      • #4
        Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

        Something something Moore's Law something something.
        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
        Name: Drjones
        Blog: Mediocre Mage


        • #5
          Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

          Yeah I'm a little annoyed that it's 2014 as well given that I'm also going over the parts for my eventual new rig. I love my GTX 465, but I hadn't counted on the 700 series being so much stronger. There's also the 600 series on the way as well this quarter, though rumor has it (and I sincerely doubt it) nVidia will be skipping the 600's and going right to the 700's.

          From what I've read, ATI doesn't have anything to match the coming 700's either. Their new 7000 series are nice, but it looks like once the 600's are out, depending on their performance I may be able to settle for a 570 to run FFXIV 2.0 until the 700's are out and decently priced.

          *sigh* this is what I loathe about PC gaming. You buy a console, and it's good for 5~8 years on average before you need the next one, and you only spend a fraction of what you would on a gaming PC.



          • #6
            Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

            Here's the latest specs on the 600 series; looks they NVidia is not planning to let ATI take over this generation (the whole rumor about skipping the 600 series):

            NVIDIA GeForce Kepler Packs Radically Different Number Crunching Machinery | techPowerUp

            Nvidia Kepler GK104: More Leaks, Rumors on Specifications


            • #7
              Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

              This was near the bottom of the 2nd link:

              Internet Troll Gets Tracked Down, Confronted in Real Life

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                Well the new Kepler tech is finally being revealed, and she's a beast.

                Kepler comes of age: NVIDIA unveils GeForce GTX 680 desktop GPU, 600M series for laptops -- Engadget

                Glad I've held off on buying a new PC for as long as I have. $500 is a bit steep but that's one hell of a GPU.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                  Just looking at the first 8 rows from Tom's Hardware Hierarchy, I'm seeing nVidia struggling to offer options to compete against the breadth and scope that ATI does. Sure, it's important to put out something against a competitor, but putting out something for the sake of pride rather than being serious about competing on price and in a business sense doesn't do any good for anyone. nVidia needs to be more aggressive with their pricing, even if that means adding more "filler" options to bridge the performance gap between these levels of cards. I'm getting concerned that we're left with only the sub $100, the $150 to $300 and then $500+ options, rather than the options we used to have every $50-75 you moved up.

                  Discrete: GTX 590 Discrete: HD 6990
                  n/a Discrete: HD 7970
                  Discrete: GTX 580 Discrete: HD 5970, HD 7870, HD 7950
                  Discrete: GTX 295, GTX 480, GTX 570 Discrete: HD 4870 X2, HD 6970, HD 7850
                  Discrete: GTX 470, GTX 560 Ti, GTX 560 Ti 448 Core Discrete: HD 4850 X2, HD 5870, HD 6950
                  Discrete: GTX 560
                  Go (mobile): 580M
                  Discrete: HD 5850, HD 6870
                  Mobility: 6990M
                  Discrete: 9800 GX2, GTX 285, GTX 460 1GB, GTX 465 Discrete: HD 6850, HD 7770
                  Mobility: 6900M
                  Discrete: GTX 260, GTX 275, GTX 280, GTX 460 768 MB, GTX 460 SE, GTX 550 Ti
                  Go (mobile): 570M
                  Discrete: HD 4870, HD 5770, HD 4890, HD 5830, HD 6770, HD 6790
                  Mobility: HD 5870, 6800M


                  • #10
                    Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                    Come again?

                    I don't really think their prices are all that horrendous - the power that the 680 offers for $500 is very impressive, and I imagine they'll have other models (the 560Ti is also nice). Nevermind when the 700 series rolls out around 2014.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #11
                      Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                      In terms of least for the US:

                      460 equals roughly to the cost of a 6850
                      560 equals roughly to the cost of a 6870
                      560 ti equals roughly to the cost of a 6950
                      560 ti 448MHZ/570 equals roughly to the cost of a 6970

                      I have no idea how the 7950/7970 compares to the 580; I know there were variations of the 590 and 6990 but they were more or less dual GPU's on a single card as far as I understand it.

                      I heard the 7850 is roughly around the performance of a 570, whereas the 7870 surpasses it a bit in some area's? The last time I read this was on Tom's Hardware and I'm not sure how accurate their review was. If this is true however, than the 7850's $259 price tag is far better than the 570's $350. The 7870 on the other hand matches the 570's price exactly.

                      It'll be interesting to see how NVidia prices their 600 series to get a true accurate reading of whether ATI remains to be the 'budget' brand. In the past, ATI was more known for its better power consumption than anything else; while the Fermi series weren't exactly...great in that department, the Kepler is showing to be quite the contender.


                      • #12
                        Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        Come again?

                        I don't really think their prices are all that horrendous - the power that the 680 offers for $500 is very impressive, and I imagine they'll have other models (the 560Ti is also nice). Nevermind when the 700 series rolls out around 2014.
                        Nvidia used to price aggressively, forcing ATI to push down prices in an all-out price cut. There used to be several tiers:


                        The two companies are in collusion right now, mostly because nVidia doesn't have the balls to drag ATI down to an all-out war. We're practically left with 3 markets: bullshit for under $99 (that's all the old chips remarked as brand new) , $100-$250 (a mix of tons of old cards and new offerings) and $300+ for everything else.

                        Nothing I've seen is impressive. The difference between the new models and their slightly older counterparts isn't exactly night and day and the price isn't justified. Why would you spend $500 for something that isn't double the performance (actual, not theoretical, I'm not easily swayed by these doctored benchmarks) of something that's a generation older? Without massive price wars, old cards will continue to glut the market, muddying the waters and confusing everyone to hell and back with regards to which is really better and which is just marginally better.

                        This was one of the main reasons why I was disgusted with ATI, because they purposely left a huge hole in between the 5770 and the 5830 in terms of performance and price. When nVidia finally launched the 460, it forced the 5830 to come to terms with its own incompetence and higher price structure. Looks like nVidia is also willing to play the same dumb games as ATI. We seriously need a 3rd competitor because there's nothing grand about the graphics card market atm.


                        • #13
                          Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                          From what I've heard, their both owned by the same company but I don't put much stock in rumors like that.

                          Regardless, the 680 is only one of the planned releases for the 600 series, and the 700 series is going to be even more of a tremendous leap when they come out.

                          Also the 7970 seems to cost about $80 more on average than the 680, yet the 680 blows it away.

                          Also I think you may have missed this:

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	gtx-680-vs-580.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	41.8 KB
ID:	1474688

                          LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE!!! That's a massive drop in heat and power consumption, and a fairly sizable drop in noise as well. As a reference point, my GTX 465 requires a 400W of power (I got a cheap 750W PSU in my rig thank goodness) and while I can't find the heat or noise statistics, I'm sure they're much higher as well.

                          It also cost me about $280~290 after all the rebates. So for another $200 I'd be betting a much stronger card that uses less power, makes less noise and generates less heat.
                          Last edited by Malacite; 03-26-2012, 08:30 AM.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                            Technicalities and placebo performance boosts aside I just wish they fixed Micro stuttering already, that alone would make things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better and actually make Xfire and SLI be worth it.
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • #15
                              Re: nVidia 700 series perfomance leaked

                              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                              LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE!!! That's a massive drop in heat and power consumption, and a fairly sizable drop in noise as well. As a reference point, my GTX 465 requires a 400W of power (I got a cheap 750W PSU in my rig thank goodness) and while I can't find the heat or noise statistics, I'm sure they're much higher as well.

                              It also cost me about $280~290 after all the rebates. So for another $200 I'd be betting a much stronger card that uses less power, makes less noise and generates less heat.
                              Your purchase you made was a really good one. The problem isn't with those kinds of deals. The problem is a lack of real competition.

                              I don't know if you remember when the 9800 (ATI) came out. I remembered it very clearly, mostly because of the disruption it caused to the marketplace. Back then, there were still other competitors, like Matrox, even if they weren't really a big deal. Intel was just getting their feet wet with their Integrated Graphics. nVidia was the "Big Dog" and then 9800 dropped. With the 9800, the 9600 and 9700 came along with it and absolutely took nVidia by surprise. The market back then pretty much was for $99 you can play a game and for just $199 you don't need to upgrade for 3+ years and for $599 you can play it very, very pretty.

                              Today's market, for $99, you can't even play a Flash game w/o crashing your computer. You need to spend $199 if you don't want to stare at screen tearing and slow-motion. You have to pay $299 to have a decent look but still need to upgrade in a year. But you still pay $599 to play the game very, very pretty.

                              My concern is that you shouldn't need to pay a lot of money to play a game and that the $299 and up market should remain firmly with the "hard core" crowd. For the rest of us, spending $199 is an investment and that is already a major cost of a computer (with ram prices going into the dump and SSD prices coming down fast) If I don't want to upgrade a graphics card for at least two years, I have to spend at least $400 and that is the cost of a processor + motherboard. That's utterly ridiculous.

