Anyone recommend some of the above (free is awesome, btw)? I'm on a MAC laptop and I've been lazy about taking care of this sort of thing. No clue if I even have some on here, but its been having crappy latency with vent and another game and I'm not sure if its the cable provider being crap lately or something on the laptop itself. Any help is appreciated.
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Malware/Antivirus software
Re: Malware/Antivirus software
Intego VirusBarrier X5 is good but you need to look at offeres as it is relatively expensive (around $50-70) you can use Norton for mac and Mcafe for mac, but they are real system hoggers and as its a laptop you want to use a "purposely desgined for mac" package like Intego.
[ame=] Intego 00318 Virus Barrier X5 Net Barrier X5 Bundle - Mac OS: Software[/ame] is Intego X5 with netbarrier to deal with malware etc. so hopefully that will help you.
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Re: Malware/Antivirus software
Anti-Virus on Mac and Unix's is geared to preventing you from spreading Windows viruses by forwarding mail or file shares and are more intended for Mail and File servers.
It's most likely a waste however.
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Re: Malware/Antivirus software
Mhurron, I tried clamxav on the work Macs and to be onest, it wasn't too good, after installing intego, it picked up quite a few things clam missed, granted 90% were spyware and viruses that only effects pc's, but with the now increased threats of more complex and increasing in number mac os x virus (including the new serious one) it might be best he goes for intego or norton or macafe (though the latter 2 hogg resoruces, we used to use Norton)
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Re: Malware/Antivirus software
There is no way I would pay for AV on a Mac. As it stands, there is no automatic vector for infection on a Mac in the real world. The only large infection was a targeted job involving the pirated copies of iWork. AV doesn't protect your computer from yourself.
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