I have a few laptop questions in general, here is my situation. Ive built the last 3 desktops Ive had, the latest was built in prep for FFXI US beta, so that'll give you an idea on how old it is. Its basically a glorified PS2 as FFXI is the only game Ive really played on it.
I am in the process of wanting to get a high powered laptop for use in Aion, StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3. I am quite interested in getting a laptop over a desktop because I want the mobility they offer and I am tired of always sitting in my office chair to play games (as comfortable as that chair is). I'd apprecaite all honest opinions and info.
1) Am I screwing myself over by wanting a gaming laptop over a desktop? I hear plenty of horror stories about laptop harddrives overheating, monitors blacking out and other stuff.
2) How long do laptops generally last? This desktop Im still playing on is like 6 years old or so. I find a few games I like and play them, I want longevity out of a laptop if thats possible.
3. Brands. What to shoot for? I always think of alienware but maybe that just an overpriced status symbol for something else that will work just as well.
Those few questions are my immediate concerns, thanks for your time and sights.
I have a few laptop questions in general, here is my situation. Ive built the last 3 desktops Ive had, the latest was built in prep for FFXI US beta, so that'll give you an idea on how old it is. Its basically a glorified PS2 as FFXI is the only game Ive really played on it.
I am in the process of wanting to get a high powered laptop for use in Aion, StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3. I am quite interested in getting a laptop over a desktop because I want the mobility they offer and I am tired of always sitting in my office chair to play games (as comfortable as that chair is). I'd apprecaite all honest opinions and info.
1) Am I screwing myself over by wanting a gaming laptop over a desktop? I hear plenty of horror stories about laptop harddrives overheating, monitors blacking out and other stuff.
2) How long do laptops generally last? This desktop Im still playing on is like 6 years old or so. I find a few games I like and play them, I want longevity out of a laptop if thats possible.
3. Brands. What to shoot for? I always think of alienware but maybe that just an overpriced status symbol for something else that will work just as well.
Those few questions are my immediate concerns, thanks for your time and sights.