Okay, so I have a 512 GB Hard Drive, around 60 of which is partitioned off, leaving me with 455 GB to do whatever I want with.
I recall about a week ago only using up around 150 GB, with the remaining 300 GB free.
The other day I was looking at my computer stats, and noticed I had only 8.5 GB free, which was not much room left. I wondered how I could have possibly filled up so much space so fast, but I spent about half an hour cleaning up my computer anyway, deleting files and programs I don't need or use anymore, etc. I ended up freeing a good 60 GB, and it read as having 380 GB used.
So today I log in again, and check it. Only 8.3 GB free. The rest? Used up by something (I am not really sure what). I didn't install anything new, I didn't download any new music or anything, nothing. Not even a game update. What I want to know, is where is all of this hard disk space going?
I just deleted some more stuff a few minutes ago, cleaned up 20 more GB, so I had 28 free. I just checked again, only 22 now. Really, what is going on here?
I recall about a week ago only using up around 150 GB, with the remaining 300 GB free.
The other day I was looking at my computer stats, and noticed I had only 8.5 GB free, which was not much room left. I wondered how I could have possibly filled up so much space so fast, but I spent about half an hour cleaning up my computer anyway, deleting files and programs I don't need or use anymore, etc. I ended up freeing a good 60 GB, and it read as having 380 GB used.
So today I log in again, and check it. Only 8.3 GB free. The rest? Used up by something (I am not really sure what). I didn't install anything new, I didn't download any new music or anything, nothing. Not even a game update. What I want to know, is where is all of this hard disk space going?
I just deleted some more stuff a few minutes ago, cleaned up 20 more GB, so I had 28 free. I just checked again, only 22 now. Really, what is going on here?