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How to Clean...

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  • How to Clean...

    When I got my comp last year for Christmas, I used to eat around it all the time. Now I got food stuck within the cracks. They keyboreds keys are so clumped together, I Vac doesn't even work. So does, anyone have any cleaning tips?? I also ever regret eating around it. Now, I dont do it anymore, but I still need to know how to make it look shiny and clean!
    Server: Garuda
    Shoopi - WHM(4), BLM(2), RDM(1)
    FFXI Version: Windows XP OS

  • #2
    Re: How to Clean...

    Unplug it. Take it apart.

    ...either that or just don't mess w/ it and replace it instead.

    Feba's keyboard thread
    Last edited by WovenDarkness; 12-10-2007, 05:27 PM. Reason: Good for space and clarity....


    • #3
      Re: How to Clean...

      Its a labtop..not like I can just take it apart and clean it, other wise I would lol...
      Server: Garuda
      Shoopi - WHM(4), BLM(2), RDM(1)
      FFXI Version: Windows XP OS


      • #4
        Re: How to Clean...

        Should be a way to pop out the Keyboard and manually clean it. You would have to consult the manual of your laptop though.

        I personally use pressurized air to clean my keyboard. One of those can's with a thin nozzle. It's gotten its uses.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

