Obviously everyone here gets a fair amount of use out of their keyboards. I just finished washing my G15 for the second time in the two years I've owned it, and it gives me some questions, but mainly I ask them just so there's an easier basis for discussion about keyboards in general.
As in the poll, do you wash your keyboard? If so, how indepth do you go with it? A small handvac once a month? Putting it in the dishwasher?
How long do you tend to use your keyboards for before you replace them? How much do you spend on them? What do you like and dislike in keyboards, in terms of construction and layout? Do you have a 'media' keyboard? Do you have a keyboard that's marketed towards gamers? What unique features does your keyboard have?
And for typing; can you type without ever having to look at the keys? If you took all the keys off your keyboard, could you put them all back in their proper positions without a reference? Or are your keys so worn that you can't even make out the letters anymore (It's more liekly than you think.)
When do you think a keyboard should be replaced? When are you going to replace yours, and what are you going to look for when you replace it.