Well, we had http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/com...irefox+plugins this thread a year ago, I'm interested in seeing what's changed since then.
I've noticed that even in my old post there are some plugins that I haven't got anymore that look damn useful!
Personally, I've got:
AdBlock, filterset G, etc. I haven't seen an ad I haven't wanted to in for-freaking-ever. Must have for ANYONE using the internet at all, imo. If computers are like cars, networks are roads, and the internet is a highway. Anything to take away from the distracting advertisements is great. Plus, it's good for blocking annoying elements on pages, like things covering up other things and such.
User Agent Switcher. Mainly only useful for uber-crappy sites that don't accept firefox, I haven't used this in a long time, but when it's useful, it's very useful.
Rikaichan. Useful if you want to get an idea of what the occasional random kanji is, would also be useful for someone who understands a good amount of Japanese, but still runs into problem words.
and last, but definitely not least, Tab Mix Plus. There's way too much stuff I love this plugin for to even bother trying to talk about it here. Just go play with it yourself, even my friend that hates tabs uses it.
and since looking at the old thread, I'm going to take the advice of a younger and far stupider me and try Connect to address, Show Anchors, TryAgain, and URL Fixer. Thanks, me!
I've noticed that even in my old post there are some plugins that I haven't got anymore that look damn useful!
Personally, I've got:
AdBlock, filterset G, etc. I haven't seen an ad I haven't wanted to in for-freaking-ever. Must have for ANYONE using the internet at all, imo. If computers are like cars, networks are roads, and the internet is a highway. Anything to take away from the distracting advertisements is great. Plus, it's good for blocking annoying elements on pages, like things covering up other things and such.
User Agent Switcher. Mainly only useful for uber-crappy sites that don't accept firefox, I haven't used this in a long time, but when it's useful, it's very useful.
Rikaichan. Useful if you want to get an idea of what the occasional random kanji is, would also be useful for someone who understands a good amount of Japanese, but still runs into problem words.
and last, but definitely not least, Tab Mix Plus. There's way too much stuff I love this plugin for to even bother trying to talk about it here. Just go play with it yourself, even my friend that hates tabs uses it.
and since looking at the old thread, I'm going to take the advice of a younger and far stupider me and try Connect to address, Show Anchors, TryAgain, and URL Fixer. Thanks, me!