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Fedora Core 6 Release Delayed 1 Week

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  • Fedora Core 6 Release Delayed 1 Week

    =( Gah, I just get a set of discs for the ISO and what happens? It gets a delay. Anyone else here use that distro?
    MisterCookie: Alla refugee since May 2006

    MisterCookie: Writing poor signatures since January 1999 - OSS Media Player

  • #2
    Re: Fedora Core 6 Release Delayed 1 Week

    I've got a handful of friends that use Fedora Core. Me, I use Ubuntu on my laptop, and Gentoo (eh, go figure) on my servers.

    signature by fallenintoshadows


    • #3
      Re: Fedora Core 6 Release Delayed 1 Week

      I use SuSE myself, pity 10.1 was so horribly broken. Was hoping to use Fedora.
      MisterCookie: Alla refugee since May 2006

      MisterCookie: Writing poor signatures since January 1999 - OSS Media Player


      • #4
        Re: Fedora Core 6 Release Delayed 1 Week

        I use FC. It's nice, but the continuous updating can be annoying and a bit of a hassle. I've never known anything in FC to be "delayed", I just download what I want off the site--the new stuff is generally available as soon as it rolls of the line.

        Updates to the Kernel are the biggest hassle, especially if you have any weird drivers or beta stuff that requires compilation. Sometimes, an update you want will require a kernel update, so you download the kernel update and break all your compiled stuff followed by deinstall/recompilation/install of your modules provided your modules play nice with the new kernel--if not, (and you were naughty like me and didn't check beforehand), you rollback the kernel and the updates and go back to the old one--I have a fetish for the not bleeding but more like "broken skin" edge of software, especially Linux.

