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XP to Mac

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  • #16
    Re: XP to Mac

    Tech Support has never really been an issue with me. Hardware wise, if I can't fix it myself, then no one can. I've been pretty much playing Tech Support for my family and friends for 5 years now, as well as having built and maintained every computer I've had since I was 13. I'm A+ Certified as well as in college for a computer engineering degree. I've never really ran into a problem that I couldn't fix.

    My worst problem with windows is the way they license their software. One of my biggest appeals to MacOSX is that you can buy 5 licenses for 199.99. That's the price of ONE license for XP. I've got 3 computers at home that I keep running and use, 2 of which are running pirated version of XP. I'd really like to go legit but I can't talk myself into paying another $200 per computer.

    I've never fooled around with any other operating system, but I think I'll look around for a Linux variant that boots from a CD/DVD and see what it's like. If I can figure it out I may try it out for a Dual Boot so I can still run my games.


    • #17
      Re: XP to Mac

      Originally posted by Zamphire View Post
      Tech Support has never really been an issue with me. Hardware wise, if I can't fix it myself, then no one can. I've been pretty much playing Tech Support for my family and friends for 5 years now, as well as having built and maintained every computer I've had since I was 13. I'm A+ Certified as well as in college for a computer engineering degree. I've never really ran into a problem that I couldn't fix.
      My worst problem with windows is the way they license their software. One of my biggest appeals to MacOSX is that you can buy 5 licenses for 199.99. That's the price of ONE license for XP. I've got 3 computers at home that I keep running and use, 2 of which are running pirated version of XP. I'd really like to go legit but I can't talk myself into paying another $200 per computer.
      I've never fooled around with any other operating system, but I think I'll look around for a Linux variant that boots from a CD/DVD and see what it's like. If I can figure it out I may try it out for a Dual Boot so I can still run my games.
      Correction, you can do lvl1 tech support.

      Lvl 2 is onsite, which you may or may not have time to do. Driving around and trying to be superman is only fun in games. Not to mention you don't have certain equipment for lvl2.

      lvl 3 you can't do at all, since it will cost *you* heaps of money as they require phyical equipment changes. If you can even get access to equipment changes.

      That why warrenty are super important for certain people, somewhat important for many people.


      • #18
        Re: XP to Mac

        Originally posted by kuu View Post
        Correction, you can do lvl1 tech support.

        Lvl 2 is onsite, which you may or may not have time to do. Driving around and trying to be superman is only fun in games. Not to mention you don't have certain equipment for lvl2.

        lvl 3 you can't do at all, since it will cost *you* heaps of money as they require phyical equipment changes. If you can even get access to equipment changes.

        That why warrenty are super important for certain people, somewhat important for many people.
        Actually I *can* do level 3. Swapping parts is the only real way I know of to signle out a broken peice. Like I said, I have 3 working and fully operational computers, as well as a shop full of old computer parts. I *can* break down a system and replace parts peice by peice to find out which is the problem peice and which is not.

        As far as level 2. How exactly do you know what equipment I do and don't have?


        • #19
          Re: XP to Mac

          Originally posted by Zamphire View Post
          Actually I *can* do level 3. Swapping parts is the only real way I know of to signle out a broken peice. Like I said, I have 3 working and fully operational computers, as well as a shop full of old computer parts. I *can* break down a system and replace parts peice by peice to find out which is the problem peice and which is not.
          As far as level 2. How exactly do you know what equipment I do and don't have?
          Easy some equipment are restricted.

          And level 3 isn't just swaping out ram/hdd/ etc.

          You can't get access to part numbers for say apple unless you're a apple certified technician(senior).

          Also depending on your field you need access to clean rooms, and other high end deals.

          Not to mention you're paying for any equipment replacement that's broken. Where a technician bills the company
          Last edited by kuu; 09-15-2006, 12:49 PM.


          • #20
            Re: XP to Mac

            I can keep my computers working without the need for warrentys. If I need to fix something that requires a clean room, might as well just replace the part.

            Though, if I were to go with a mac, I'd get a warrenty. Simply because I've had no experiance with them.


            • #21
              Re: XP to Mac

              Originally posted by Zamphire View Post
              Actually I *can* do level 3.
              Hmm. Smells of different definitions of level 3 support.

              Typically I'm used to level 3 support including access to the engineers; level 3 support includes custom engineering of the component and/or it's software to resolve an issue.

              Unless you have connections into every hardware manufacture, and access to the proprietary software, I doubt you can manage level 3 support.

              That's not a dig at your technical capabilities, it's just a reality having access the appropriate resources.

              signature by fallenintoshadows


              • #22
                Re: XP to Mac

                Originally posted by Gentoo View Post
                Hmm. Smells of different definitions of level 3 support.

                Typically I'm used to level 3 support including access to the engineers; level 3 support includes custom engineering of the component and/or it's software to resolve an issue.

                Unless you have connections into every hardware manufacture, and access to the proprietary software, I doubt you can manage level 3 support.

                That's not a dig at your technical capabilities, it's just a reality having access the appropriate resources.
                Alright, I must have misunderstood his definition of level 3.


                • #23
                  Re: XP to Mac

                  Originally posted by Zamphire View Post
                  2 of which are running pirated version of XP. I'd really like to go legit but I can't talk myself into paying another $200 per computer.
                  Humm.. I can't imagine bothering to pirate Windows anymore --- or installing it on more than one machine for that matter.

                  If you think you really need to keep running multiple copies of XP, and really want to be legit, see about swinging acedemic prices since you're in college. Even as a part time student, I can get XP Pro for ~$90 from the University bookstore.
                  Last edited by Gentoo; 09-15-2006, 01:24 PM.

                  signature by fallenintoshadows


                  • #24
                    Re: XP to Mac

                    You can buy a legit Windows XP home OEM for $90-$100 online also.


                    • #25
                      Re: XP to Mac



                      If possible, you might be able to have the best of both worlds. Mac and Windows on one computer. Though I don't like my pretty Tiger slumming with XP.
                      The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
                      Killing tanks since 2004

                      Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
                      "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
                      a world without hate.
                      And I can picture us attacking that world,
                      because they'd never expect it."


                      • #26
                        Re: XP to Mac

                        Another option I've heard of is try Virtual Machine if it's able to be used on Mac. Then just install a winXP os onto it that way you can run xp while runing a Mac OS. Or just do it the otherway around with mac running under XP
                        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                        • #27
                          Re: XP to Mac

                          Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                          Another option I've heard of is try Virtual Machine if it's able to be used on Mac. Then just install a winXP os onto it that way you can run xp while runing a Mac OS. Or just do it the otherway around with mac running under XP
                          The program for that in Mac OS X is called Parallels. Virtual PC used to be good for that before Microsoft bought it and made it not suitable for gaming emulation. I haven't heard of running Mac OS X inside a virtual machine on Windows yet, though it's certainly possible if someone makes the right virtual machine software.
                 (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                          My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


                          • #28
                            Re: XP to Mac

                            Originally posted by Zamphire View Post
                            I have a question that I've never really found the answer to, maybe someone here can help me. I have a computer currently running windows xp. Now, can I reformat my hard drive and put Mac OS on it? Will that work?
                            With the introduction of the new Intel Macs, many people have been looking into ways to run the Mac OS on a IBM compatible platform - O'Reily has this information

                            I dont suffer from insanity - I enjoy it.

                            Fun gaming stuff

