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Computer on [Long time]?

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  • #16
    Re: Computer on [Long time]?

    Except for the two laptops my server and the other four systems in my network only get turned off when updates requier a reboot. So they only get turned off once or twice a year.


    • #17
      Re: Computer on [Long time]?

      I remember hearing a story from someone, I think over IRC, about a woman he met while working in tech support.

      Apperently she was a teacher, and her computer was acting very slow and strange. He went to look at it, and she thought that turning off the PC consisted of hitting the power button on the monitor.

      her computer had been running for over 800 days. He restarted it, and it was fine.

      I think it was win98, not sure.


      • #18
        Re: Computer on [Long time]?

        98 needed to be restarted almost every time you did anything and hung up if you didn't.


        • #19
          Re: Computer on [Long time]?

          M$ (Microsoft) no longer support Win98 anyway
          Server: Quetzalcoatl
          Race: Hume Rank 7
          75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


          • #20
            Re: Computer on [Long time]?

            Personally, my computer has alot of uptime. Through this uptime I have ran into various problems and have found various ways to prolong the lifespan of your PC.

            1) Try rebooting your PC once a week, this stops the OS from freaking out and getting laggy all the time.
            2) Once a month power your PC down completely and use an airduster to give all the fans a thorough clean. If the dust is stuck fast then buy a cheap soft bristle toothbrush to add to your maintanence kit. Use this to get rid of excess clog that is affecting the cooling of your PC (Don't forget your GPU fan)
            3) Let your PC go into standyby when you are using it (Not Hibernate as it still powers the PC down completely)

            The main issure for leaving any PC on for a long time is the fans. I learned the hard way. My PC was switched on for quite a long time with no cleaning, and when I went on holiday for a weekend I shut the PC down and when I returned the PSU fan had siezed completely. This was due to dust gathering in the motor and was impossible to clean. My PSU actually blew up from this. If you are going to keep alot of uptime on your PC just remember to clean it on a monthly basis, this will save you from alot of pain and cost in keeping it running.

