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  • S-Video...

    Does anyone use an S-video cable from their video card to a tv?

    Im running on 2 NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT PCI-Express x16
    video cards by XFX in SLI mode.

    The packaging for the identical video cards came with an S-Video cable.

    My problem is this... when I try to connect the video to the tv, sparks fly when the metal of the plug and the port in the tv make contact. The same happens if I try to connect it to my surround sound receiver. Is it a voltage issue powering the video cards?
    Last edited by Eohmer; 06-15-2006, 03:08 PM.

  • #2
    Re: S-Video...

    Sparks fly! Wow, I got NVIDIA GeForce 7200 (forgot rest) on PCI-E x16 it has the S-Video part as well and have recently hooked it up to a TV. No issues like that arrised. It reads just fine, if sparks are flying like that I would think that the video card is probably getting to much power. If that's the case it'll shorten that video cards lifespan.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3
      Re: S-Video...

      That sounds like something serious, as I've definitely never come across anything like that before. Definitely something you'd wanna call tech support about and figure out what's going on. ._.
      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
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      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
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      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


      • #4
        Re: S-Video...

        Well we have a power short somewhere and the trick is finding.
        This was said before but if you bought this from a store, website, whatever return it now.

        Now I would bet your psu just went to ummm..... went to hell on you, and is over voting your motherboard. Also your motherboard's voltage regulators are also dieing due to the extra stress caused by your psu's unstable current.

        Cellsplitter's post a few days ago also dealt with a dieing psu and if any of the things they talked about were hapening to you I would bank on your psu is dead.

        Now since you have a sli system im guessing you may of built it. I guess your motherboard could be installed wrong and its shorting aginst the your computer case (you did use the standoff's right) but since its happening on your gfx card and when you are connecting your receaver to your sound card/onboard sound I would have to think you need a new psu NOW.

        Quoteing my own post
        Psu calculator

        Sites with PSU reviews

        Remember don't cheep out on your psu (plan on spending at least $60us)
        Antec, Forton Source, Seasonic, Enermax and Sliverstone all make quality units to name a few, and try and get something with a Dual +12v and if you have a side window or you are just a neat freak you can get psu's with modular cabling.

        Well thats enough incoherent rambling for now, Good luck

        Oh and if you have some real cash power and pc cooling also has great psu's


        • #5
          Re: S-Video...

          Actually, everything else still works fine. My machine is not messing up at all. That was the ONLY issue I've been having, so there is no need to buy a new mobo or anything.

          I talked to the TSG tech at my work, and he said it's a grounding issue. The grounding cable from the Pwr Supply isn't grounded to the metal of the case. I thought about it, and I remember tucking it away, not touching the case. So that may be it. I'll see what's up later.


          • #6
            Re: S-Video...

            Originally posted by Eohmer
            Actually, everything else still works fine. My machine is not messing up at all. That was the ONLY issue I've been having, so there is no need to buy a new mobo or anything.

            I talked to the TSG tech at my work, and he said it's a grounding issue. The grounding cable from the Pwr Supply isn't grounded to the metal of the case. I thought about it, and I remember tucking it away, not touching the case. So that may be it. I'll see what's up later.
            Ohh, yeah a grounding issue would cause it too. Need somewere to dispurse that energy.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #7
              Re: S-Video...

              O.o Power supplus use a grounding cable. After a quick web search I found out that your psu is grounded out by the atx connector, and the grounding cable is mostly for EMI elimination. (it helps to keep the power rails stable) I would be good to install it but I doubt its actually 100% needed

              Could something on your motherboard be grounding directly against your case?
              You may as well install the grounding cable anyways because you install it with a motherboard screw anyways , and that way you can check the rest of your installation. And frankly if my psu was creating that much static charge I would be slightly worried anyways, and very mad at Seasonic.


              • #8
                Re: S-Video...

                Update!!!! Problem fixed. Yeah... it was the grounding cable. I didn't know what it was for before until that tech told me. It still had the sheeth over it. What I did was removed the sheeth and just placed the metal part into a hole in the casing. I turned it on and attached the s-vdieo cable to my surround sound receiver... and no sparks! :D YAY!

                Here is a pic... it's right in the middle of the pic.
                Last edited by Eohmer; 05-02-2007, 01:25 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: S-Video...

                  Originally posted by Thrasher
                  O.o Power supplus use a grounding cable. After a quick web search I found out that your psu is grounded out by the atx connector, and the grounding cable is mostly for EMI elimination. (it helps to keep the power rails stable) I would be good to install it but I doubt its actually 100% needed

                  Could something on your motherboard be grounding directly against your case?
                  You may as well install the grounding cable anyways because you install it with a motherboard screw anyways , and that way you can check the rest of your installation. And frankly if my psu was creating that much static charge I would be slightly worried anyways, and very mad at Seasonic.
                  Correct it isn't needed for the system, but it will shorten the life span of the device if it isn't properly grounded. For best performance of the device you want it to filter out EMI as much as possible. It doesn't take a lot from EMI to cause data errors, some people here at work are learning that the hard way and are just in awe when I fix their problems. It's hillarious really.

                  Either way EMI can effect a device pretty badly. Might also want to make sure you arn't sitting your PC on a carpeted ground, that'll add some problems as well.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

