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Graphic card problem

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  • Graphic card problem

    A pic say more then a thousand words

    And don't try and tell me how drivers work, I'll only laugh at you for looking down at me. But if anyone of you actualy KNOW what the problem is plz tell me. I've tried everything; Updated drivers, updated BIOS etc. etc. etc.

    Problem only occurs when in 3D games... <_<

  • #2
    Re: Graphic card problem

    Rather a rude way to ask for help. Without knowing the specifics (graphics card, processor, version of Windows, etc.), no one is going to know exactly what the problem is. All anyone can do is offer general advice, which is apparently going to seem condescending to you. If you're looking for someone to say "This is the problem, here's how you fix it," you need to provide a hell of a lot more information than you have (roughly none).

    Outside of driver issues, the only other time I've seen this sort of corruption occur is due to overheating and/or overclocking. But then, you've tried everything, so that must not be it.
    Ellipses on Fenrir
    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
    . . .


    • #3
      Re: Graphic card problem

      I agree, worng way to ask for help. I'm just frustraited >_<; this is my 2nd card this month I buy and it too F A I L S.

      Graphic card specs:

      Motherboard specs:

      and no :/ overheating isn't the problem. It's nice and cool


      • #4
        Re: Graphic card problem

        I haven't heard of specific problems with the FX5200, but I know nothing about the motherboard, so I can't really say "Oh, it's this, do that." Is the whole system new, or did you have graphics card(s) before these two that did work with that motherboard?

        The only general thing I can think of is, again, heat. Or possibly heavy magnetic interference, if you've recently put a gigantic magnet nearby and/or your computer's case doesn't block it as well as it should. How's the ventilation and cooling? I don't know about wherever you are, but it's been heating up significantly here this month. If you can, try getting some extra cooling (air conditioning) or air flow (floor fans) going and see if that helps.
        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #5
          Re: Graphic card problem

          i assume that you are using the appropriate Via 4in1/hyperion driver too?

          can you describe what you exactly did before you had this problem?

          if this is happening for all 3d games i'm inclined to believe that a full system wipe is in order.

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            Re: Graphic card problem

            Originally posted by neighbortaru
            i assume that you are using the appropriate Via 4in1/hyperion driver too?
            I used VIAHyperion4in1455v. Newer better version out there? link plz~

            Originally posted by neighbortaru
            can you describe what you exactly did before you had this problem?
            I used an old crapy card. Geforce 2 MX400 32 mb (eww!)
            Then got this new one and of course, I did what you allways do when u get a new hardware. I uninstalled the NVidia drivers be4 I shut my comp down. Replaced the old card with the new one. started my comp, installed the latest graphic driver. rebooted. Everything looks fine, I love it. Then I start PlayOnline and see this;

            notice the small flickering? and then you saw what in game looked like...

            Originally posted by neighbortaru
            if this is happening for all 3d games i'm inclined to believe that a full system wipe is in order.
            O.o {No thanks} no need for that. I tested the card on another computer and it worked just fine there so it must be Graphic Card + Computer !=

            (!= is "not equal")


            • #7
              Re: Graphic card problem

              Oh, also, how's the dust? Sure you're getting a good contact between card and slot?
              Ellipses on Fenrir
              There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
              . . .


              • #8
                Re: Graphic card problem

                It's clean :/

                My old graphic card still works... just this new one...


                • #9
                  Re: Graphic card problem

                  lol i know what '!=' means

                  yeah well, now that you've established that the card is good on another computer that further reenforces the idea that it's your system. perhaps all the old drivers were not cleaned out of the system. that does look like a software issue and if your drivers are up to snuff (try downgrading to the SE "validated" detonators too) that doesn't leave much else to try out. reinstall DX maybe, but if that doesn't fix it i don't know what else.

                  thus, the golden rule of windows: if all else fails, reformat

                  Thanks Yyg!


                  • #10
                    Re: Graphic card problem

                    Originally posted by neighbortaru
                    lol i know what '!=' means

                    yeah well, now that you've established that the card is good on another computer that further reenforces the idea that it's your system. perhaps all the old drivers were not cleaned out of the system. that does look like a software issue and if your drivers are up to snuff (try downgrading to the SE "validated" detonators too) that doesn't leave much else to try out. reinstall DX maybe, but if that doesn't fix it i don't know what else.

                    thus, the golden rule of windows: if all else fails, reformat
                    lmao, I know that rule XD but as a reformat veteran I can say that won't help here

                    Double Post Edited:
                    o_o.... omg.... I got it working!!!!!!!!! I tried another aproach updating my BIOS and holy hell it worked!! ty for the suport XD but you can relax! :D
                    Last edited by Cellsplitter; 06-02-2006, 08:14 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

