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clarrification plz ;>.>

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  • clarrification plz ;>.>

    ok this isnt exactly ramuh news but I cant access the SE discussion area and had no idea where else to put this. found this on the SE main site and sadly am just too stupid to understand what it means XD. lots of smart people out there figured one of them could translate for me. ty in advance.

    (I just really wanna know what this means exactly)
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  • #2
    Re: clarrification plz ;>.>

    After a quick skim, it looks like SE are goign to produce software to use on this new panasonic digital media. think Microsoft media centre, tehn think Square enix doing something similar. Thats how i read it.

    Any others with ideas?
    Last edited by Taskmage; 04-10-2006, 07:08 AM.


    • #3
      Re: clarrification plz ;>.>

      Thats a easy one Panasonic develops all forms of entertainment and even had their own Video game system out about 19 years ago, Around the time of the sega saturn.
      I dont think this platform will be a gaming system persay but will have gaming applications, alogn with various other multimedia uses.
      SE doesnt just develop RPG"S, they are also a big software company in Japan. Like Nintendo they own multiple interests. SE runs comic's, Game Guides, Book Publications also. They also have a toy line they help develop with kotobukiya.
      So it seems they are just expanding territory. Also with Enix Aquisition they have begun movies and anime again.
      I think they will just help with developing software content from apps to games.
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