I just installed fantasy earth. It installed and started fine. The openning movie play, and proceed to the title screen with the start and exit to choose. When I click start, my screen goes black for a few seconds before I get an error window. It doesn't say anything much, just "POL has encountered an error" and the usual sending report stuff.
I format my C drive and made a clean install of windows. And it still happens.
I talked to a friend here, he said it can be the graphic card fail to display the game's setting, or I need a japanese windows. Which one do you think is more likely the case?
about the first case, I think my system pass the minimal requirement. But still not sure about graphic card
win XP professional service pack 2
P4 2.40G 512MB RAM
geforce 4 TI 4400 with 128MB RAM
FE website mentioned "direct X 8.1 something card" is geforce 4 compatible or too old?
Second case about japanese window I'm kind of worry.
My window's location, region, default language for non-unicode are all set to japanese.
but despite all those settings, my windows XP is still an english version originally.
Is there like a special windows made exclusively in japanese that I'll need?
On FE website it mentioned
OS Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP 日本語版
I'm not sure what the last kanji is.
Link http://www.playonline.com/fe/envi/envi.html
I format my C drive and made a clean install of windows. And it still happens.
I talked to a friend here, he said it can be the graphic card fail to display the game's setting, or I need a japanese windows. Which one do you think is more likely the case?
about the first case, I think my system pass the minimal requirement. But still not sure about graphic card
win XP professional service pack 2
P4 2.40G 512MB RAM
geforce 4 TI 4400 with 128MB RAM
FE website mentioned "direct X 8.1 something card" is geforce 4 compatible or too old?
Second case about japanese window I'm kind of worry.
My window's location, region, default language for non-unicode are all set to japanese.
but despite all those settings, my windows XP is still an english version originally.
Is there like a special windows made exclusively in japanese that I'll need?
On FE website it mentioned
OS Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP 日本語版
I'm not sure what the last kanji is.
Link http://www.playonline.com/fe/envi/envi.html