Well, this is a first, I'm asking for computer help haha.
This one has stumped me for well over 2 months, and I still have yet to figure out what's going on. So here's the laydown. My CPU one day decided to randomly cut it's speed in half, going from 2.0GHz, down to a nice, slow, 1.0GHz. CPU-z though was still reporting a nice 2.0GHz, but windows decided it didn't like this, and wanted to run sluggish as hell.
So I restarted, and all was good again. A few weeks later (I don't restart much, no need to), my computer crashed, when I re-booted, I was back to 1.0GHz, I restarted yet again, and put my-self into the bios and played with some settings, and got it working again (reset the FSB, dram clocks, multiplyer, ect (Yes, I know what I'm doing)).
To my susprise it worked again! For alittle while, till I got to my friends house. Thinking Windows just screwed up somewhere, I decided to do a FULL format on my OS Partition (On my primary HDD< I have 2 partitions, a general partition, and a 20GB OS Partition). After reinstalling windows, all seemed to work, untill I updated and restarted, BACK DOWN TO 1.07GHz (I decided to overclock 1x multiplyer from 15->16).
So I restarted yet again, and still have the same problem. After uninstalling my ATI drivers (thought that this might be a problem somehow, don't ask, it was the only thing I installed besides some windows updates). And re-installing them, it still didn't work. After just having windows XP run for a little bit, it decided to work again
Then, after about 30 mins, it was back down to the 1.07.
Anyone have any idea's as to what in the hell is going on with my Processor? Think it's about to hit the big trash pile?
WHo knows
This one has stumped me for well over 2 months, and I still have yet to figure out what's going on. So here's the laydown. My CPU one day decided to randomly cut it's speed in half, going from 2.0GHz, down to a nice, slow, 1.0GHz. CPU-z though was still reporting a nice 2.0GHz, but windows decided it didn't like this, and wanted to run sluggish as hell.
So I restarted, and all was good again. A few weeks later (I don't restart much, no need to), my computer crashed, when I re-booted, I was back to 1.0GHz, I restarted yet again, and put my-self into the bios and played with some settings, and got it working again (reset the FSB, dram clocks, multiplyer, ect (Yes, I know what I'm doing)).
To my susprise it worked again! For alittle while, till I got to my friends house. Thinking Windows just screwed up somewhere, I decided to do a FULL format on my OS Partition (On my primary HDD< I have 2 partitions, a general partition, and a 20GB OS Partition). After reinstalling windows, all seemed to work, untill I updated and restarted, BACK DOWN TO 1.07GHz (I decided to overclock 1x multiplyer from 15->16).
So I restarted yet again, and still have the same problem. After uninstalling my ATI drivers (thought that this might be a problem somehow, don't ask, it was the only thing I installed besides some windows updates). And re-installing them, it still didn't work. After just having windows XP run for a little bit, it decided to work again
Then, after about 30 mins, it was back down to the 1.07.
Anyone have any idea's as to what in the hell is going on with my Processor? Think it's about to hit the big trash pile?
WHo knows