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Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

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  • #16
    Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

    in my opinion Firefox is good for some things, as well as the whole tab thing, but I have also noticed that Firefox does not communicate very well with some internet programs/websites, so i have learned to use Internet Exsplorer ^^
    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

    "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.
    It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserves." 1
    Corinthians 13:6-7

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    • #17
      Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

      Originally posted by Balfree
      Quoted for emphasis!

      "FireFox is my antivirus."
      - Balfree
      McAfee is my antivirus. If you're relying on Firefox to be your antivirus you're asking a bit too much from it. >_>


      • #18
        Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

        Originally posted by =Tuyen=
        in my opinion Firefox is good for some things, as well as the whole tab thing, but I have also noticed that Firefox does not communicate very well with some internet programs/websites, so i have learned to use Internet Exsplorer ^^
        The infamus windows update you mean ?


        • #19
          Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

          If you are basing the opinions of how Firefox works with their 1.0.xx versions they did have a lot of trouble with some sites. Their newest 1.5 so far hasn't had these troubles, it seems to be the best so far with stability a lot closer to that of IE.

          In fairness though the major difference between IE and Firefox is how they handle cookies and active page sites. Firefox is a lot more skeptical of a sites honesty then IE is. You can however adjust IE to be more pessimistic of what it gets from sites but it takes a lot of work to do.

          I like firefox because their default settings are a good setup, enough paranoia in it that it keeps it fairly safe but relaxed enough that it doesn't annoy the hell out of you having to bypass their security to get certain functions to work as intended.

          As far as blocking popups though it does a decent job, not the best though I've still had popups get past it.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #20
            Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

            Originally posted by =Tuyen=
            in my opinion Firefox is good for some things, as well as the whole tab thing, but I have also noticed that Firefox does not communicate very well with some internet programs/websites, so i have learned to use Internet Exsplorer ^^
            Only because Firefox follows actual web standards that are supposed to be followed x_x Internet Explorer does not, yet people code for Internet Explorer which has a lot of outdated html and css artifacts, and doesn't even follow the web standards set forth by the W3C very well. The problems you're seeing are from people relying on an insecure, non standards compliant, dinosaur of a browser. If you code specifically for IE, then chances are something is going to screw up on a browser that actually supports the web standards and features that have been created to bring out the internet's fullest potential.
            My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

            Which FF Character Are You?
            Originally posted by Balfree
            Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


            • #21
              Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

              Originally posted by Impaction
              McAfee is my antivirus. If you're relying on Firefox to be your antivirus you're asking a bit too much from it. >_>
              -.- i do have an antivirus, but it has never reported any viruses once i stopped using IE and Outlook.
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #22
                Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                I probably would use Firefox, but I'm into web design and Flash. The majority of the internet users use IE, and Firefox mangles Flash frame rates and speeds. Plus the whole ad campaign wreaks of trying too hard. If it's good people will use it, no need to get the fanboys to plaster logos all over their websites.


                • #23
                  Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                  Originally posted by nanatsu
                  Only because Firefox follows actual web standards that are supposed to be followed x_x Internet Explorer does not, yet people code for Internet Explorer which has a lot of outdated html and css artifacts, and doesn't even follow the web standards set forth by the W3C very well. The problems you're seeing are from people relying on an insecure, non standards compliant, dinosaur of a browser. If you code specifically for IE, then chances are something is going to screw up on a browser that actually supports the web standards and features that have been created to bring out the internet's fullest potential.
                  i understand what u say, but the thing is, w/ the majority still using IE rather than Firefox, the W3C's "standard" doesn't mean much. if IE supports it, then it's the standard. "majority rules." hope IE7 puts an end to this problem...

                  personally, the difference of CSS understandings between IE and Firefox is killing me these days...


                  • #24
                    Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                    Originally posted by Impaction
                    I probably would use Firefox, but I'm into web design and Flash. The majority of the internet users use IE, and Firefox mangles Flash frame rates and speeds. Plus the whole ad campaign wreaks of trying too hard. If it's good people will use it, no need to get the fanboys to plaster logos all over their websites.
                    Part of what you said is true, but just to a certain extent:

                    I'm a webdesigner and i am forced to use IE as my base to create anything, yet if something wont work in FFox while it does work in IE, i will leave it as it is, but that never happened! About FFox mangling flash frame rates.. have you an example? i work with flash all the time and i never noticed this?

                    About the subject of fanboys and the adcampaign: I give little importance to that sort of thing, if the software wasnt any good, i would.
                    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                    • #25
                      Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                      Originally posted by Balfree
                      Part of what you said is true, but just to a certain extent:

                      I'm a webdesigner and i am forced to use IE as my base to create anything, yet if something wont work in FFox while it does work in IE, i will leave it as it is, but that never happened! About FFox mangling flash frame rates.. have you an example? i work with flash all the time and i never noticed this?

                      About the subject of fanboys and the adcampaign: I give little importance to that sort of thing, if the software wasnt any good, i would.
                      Yes I would like to see examples of this as well with Flash mangling the frame rates. So far the only time I've seen it was with a system with bad settings, fix it and the Flash seems to be fine.

                      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                      • #26
                        Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                        It would be hard providing just an example; without the source file you wouldn't know what should happen, where, for how long, and the rest. I have all my .fla files backed up on a CD somewhere but I don't think I'd go around handing out my files anyways since some of them techincally aren't mine anymore.

                        You don't notice it in some of the more simple files where you'll have only a few sound effects and maybe a loop in the background. Sometimes you'll notice the sound plays first, or the animation begins without playing the sound, or the animation bunches up in certain places. I know I'm not the only one who sees this. >_>


                        • #27
                          Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                          Why would firefox be the culprit? Shouldn't it be flashplayer that will be?

                          I know the mac version slows down because flashplayer isn't very optimized(which people blame safari that has nothing to do with it).


                          • #28
                            Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                            I never realized that firefox was that good. I'll have to d/l it when I get home, as well as get the vaninavi plugin and the pack that speeds it up.
                            Are there any big websites anyone knows of that wont run on firefox? (i.e. ffxi related, espn,, etc.) Or is it mostly smalltime personal blog type stuff?

                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #29
                              Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                              So far every page except a few internet explorer only stuff that is smalltime o_o


                              • #30
                                Re: Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Question

                                Since getting 1.5 version of Firefox I've had no problem. Before that places like IGN or heavy advertisement places crashed a lot. Now I haven't found one to crash it.

                                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

