My computer specs
3.4p4 Oc'ed to 3.7
1gb of pc3200 ram
Geforce 5950 256 meg card
i have the latest nvidia driver and direct x 9.0
cable internet.
I ran 3d mark3 and I got 6252 on it. THe game was running fine, Till I had to reformat my computer.And now its glitches all the time, no matter what resolution it will glitch, I even tried the hacked background resolutuon and still it glitches on me.. Plase help
3.4p4 Oc'ed to 3.7
1gb of pc3200 ram
Geforce 5950 256 meg card
i have the latest nvidia driver and direct x 9.0
cable internet.
I ran 3d mark3 and I got 6252 on it. THe game was running fine, Till I had to reformat my computer.And now its glitches all the time, no matter what resolution it will glitch, I even tried the hacked background resolutuon and still it glitches on me.. Plase help