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FFxi Running choppy

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  • FFxi Running choppy

    My computer specs

    3.4p4 Oc'ed to 3.7
    1gb of pc3200 ram
    Geforce 5950 256 meg card
    i have the latest nvidia driver and direct x 9.0
    cable internet.

    I ran 3d mark3 and I got 6252 on it. THe game was running fine, Till I had to reformat my computer.And now its glitches all the time, no matter what resolution it will glitch, I even tried the hacked background resolutuon and still it glitches on me.. Plase help

  • #2
    what resolution and settings are you running?
    anything in the background?
    tried defragging?

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      bacground is 1024x1024.

      very minimal programs funning in the background.
      and its a freash install. its a 60 gig hd with XP and FFxi on the computer and thats it.


      • #4
        no clue then although you might want to disable all but the most essential background apps (keep firewall, kill everything else). another thing you can try is to run with an older nvda driver to see it that does anything. iirc SE put up an "approved" driver on the site somewhere.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          You mentioned reformating, have you tried scanning the drive to make sure none of the sectors have gone bad? Depending on the type of HD you might always to see if you can check to make sure it's running right. Like Western Digital Drives when the SMART function is active you can actually monitor its seek rate, read, write, and rpms to identify any potential problems with it.

          If you can not monitor the HD then probably just run Error-Checking on the HD you have FFXI installed on and check "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors". Or if the windows version you are running has Scandisk run that and have it do a thorough scan checking for any bad sectors.

          A warning when you have the system do a thorough scan of sectors stability it can take a long time. I think it'll probably solve your problem since this seems related to wiping your system of it's previous data, it's either that or something you had installed before wasn't installed this time.

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