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mmorpg's and laptops

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  • mmorpg's and laptops

    i'm not sure how often this question comes up ( if its too often i apologize)

    i'm planing on buying a laptop called the

    Gateway® M520S
    Intel® Celeron® D Processor 335 (2.8GHz)4
    256MB 333MHz DDR SDRAM
    40GB 4200rpm Hard Drive5
    Integrated 6-in-1 card reader
    Integrated 24x CD-ROM

    and i would like to be able to play ffxi and lineage ii , i'm not looking for super/uber/half life 2 type performance just reasonable speed and capability. also i'm poor so i wont be getting anything over 850 (i'll be using monthly payments) but i would still like to be able to play the ffxi on the toilet ( that seems to be reason enough to pay 850 all by its self

    i just dont want get into the complications/expenses of getting a laptop if i wont even be able to play those two games after 13 months , if at all
    -To merely have hope is to be alive if you dont have hope then your dead, however to utilize that hope and us it as strength is to have conciousness thus allowing you to break away from the unus mundus and yet develop an even greater "connection' to it~ the first great power of a human-

    -If you look beyond good or evil, god or man you'll see past the illusion realizing that there are only three true apsects of the universe, will, consciousness, and the unus mundus which is both and yet neither~the second great power of a human-

    Will is to do and intention is to want to do-

  • #2
    The only thing that sounds iffy is your RAM. I'm not too big on laptops so I don't know how it goes, but if possible I'd recommend upgrading your RAM a bit.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


    • #3
      you should at least go with 512, if you can afford more, then do so.

      You won't have to worry about adding more for a while
      Peace is a dream flying on gossamer wings. You can surely attain peace. But, the only way is through the grave.

