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  • Yuck

    So I just began playing FFXI. Bought myself a new graphics card and a stick of memory so I coudl play. I'm a level 12 right now, and the game runs pretty decent. However, when I get into parties, the text always lags up and is delayed... makes it kind of hard to do a skillchain. So, I ran the benchmark, twice, and got a 750 and a 755... which is terrible. I think I will maybe go and buy the PS2 version. So I gues I have 2 questions:

    - How does the PS2 version run the game quality wise? Perfectly?

    - How much would a new computer that can run the game to full quality (one that woudl score a 4000ish on the benchmark) cost at a general Best Buy type store?

  • #2
    if you are willing to make it yourself, and reuse some things, like monitor, <1000 will get you what is considered to be above average. 4000 score on bench what though? for 4000 on low rez or old bench, about 600 bucks is most you will probably spend (reusing os). if you want to go all out, o'c and all the gimicks, 2000 is cutting edge, all the toys included.

    Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
    Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


    • #3
      I'm talking about high resolution FFXI benchmark 2.

      I could take $2,000 to Best Buy and come hom with a full computer that will run FFXI very nicely?


      • #4
        the convienence of best buy is nice, but for 2000 you could build urself a much better computer. I will never buy another computer from a store, because the last computer i bought (Compaq) seems to run terrible when i compare it with anyone else i know with near the same specs. I just spent 800 bux on and im very happy with what i got. I'm reusing my monitor and Radeon 9800 Pro.
        Maat = Dead05/07/04
        Kirin = Too Weak
        Dynamis Sand, Jueno, Bastok, Wind done
        COP better have endgame shit


        • #5

          If I bought something like this and just hooked my current moniter and keyboard up to it, would it work swell with FFXI?


          • #6
            Re: Yuck

            Originally posted by Roxtar
            So I just began playing FFXI. Bought myself a new graphics card and a stick of memory so I coudl play.

            edit: ah...n/m..i just read your other post ....


            pc2100 ram is kinda crappy....and never BUY A COMPAQ....COMPAQ is the worst.....


            • #7
              What are the specifications I should look for on a computer and what brand is the best?

              I'm jealous of the people that say they scored 4000 - 5000 on the benchmark and I want what they have.

              Please excuse me for my computer stupidity.


              • #8
                need to know what to buy

                Please buy a comp that is built or get advise in the long run it will benefit you a lot better .....k buy a motherboard that can handle a great deal of a amd 64 fx....or a amd 64 chip and motherboard combo.....have it installed and then put in windows 2000 and get a good graphics the nvidia dual graphics cards...they are to drool for .....they are at the site where nvidia is available......i think nvidia has the best graph for ....ffxi online....get a good amount of hard drive space something like 200 gig....then...get whatever else you want .....
                your isp should be road runner...if you can ....if not ...ive had dial lup runs good to......ps2 version is faster but not good graph....

                i hope this helps you out...good gaming...


                • #9
                  Thanks for he advice, but due to my computer illiteracy, I'm probably going to be stuck buying a full machine from the computer store. Which name brand computers are the best, seeing that Compaq apparently is garbage.


                  • #10
                    comp to buy

                    well theres sony .......dont buy that though the comp is very noisy...then theres e machine which suck too mostly are celeron processors....theres dell which i heard is compaq....then theres hp ...hewlett packard....just like see a combo ......ok we got toshiba...i ve had few to no prob...mostly laptops though.....okay thats preatty much it at the store...if you can buy a comp at a computer store with a amd processor...there the best no problems here and they run fast...amd 2400+ or amd 1800+<i got this one> or push for a amd 64 process with sure the computer store is gonna be happy to install it for you usually they can tell you what they got and they can have it installed for you...under 1 day or so.......if you still cant pick something...and i know you want quality....theres a cheap amd processor and a cheap motherboard to use which can be installed easy and you get tv and monitor the same can have two monitors and view ffxi with both......very beautiful...or you can get a svideo...plug and plug it into your big screen tv and play ffxil...its the only motherboard capable of this power.....with built in nvidia graphichs..geforce 4


                    • #11
                      For 900 dollars in November of 2003 I go this:

                      MSI K7n2-Delta- L
                      2500+ Althon XP
                      80GB WD 8mb cache
                      2x 256mb ddr 400 (dual Channel
                      52x32x52 MSI cd-rw
                      ATI 9600 Pro 128 MB
                      WIndows Home

                      But now you could probably get the
                      9800 256mb for about $350
                      upgrade to PRO
                      2x 512 mb
                      and get the 3400 64

                      for about 1300 that is including the new mobo you will need if you get he 3400 64bit
                      Allakhazam Profile


                      • #12
                        If I were to just buy the PS2 version, would it play just like the computer version if I bought this - ?


                        • #13
                          The PS2 version as long as you have a USB keyboard and the controller then yes it will basically be the same as the computer with the exception of the mouse.

                          The ONLY difference is that the PS2 runs the game on a resolution of something like 400 X 320 or whatever it is. The color quality, character motion, fps, lighting and texture effects are similar to the computer (With exception to user customization from advanced computer users 'knowledgeable in the use of the Registry').

                          That's about all that the difference are. Because the game is originally designed for the PS2 it's multilingual programming (like Java) works best on the PS2 so weather effects large crowds and other stuff that can plauge a computers performance are better handled.

                          Still though if you have computer going to an extreemly nice design reaching close to silicon graphics quality computers then the computer would do far better. That would be intresting to see this game running on a Silicon Graphics Computer of 6 Bips (Billions of Instructions Per Seccond)+ *drool*

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            yes i agree

                            i agree if you want beautiful graphics the comp is the best resolution sucks...and dual monitors is beutifulll..i mean big get that feel of fantasy in a dark room...and ffxi is so dont know whats gonna happen.....

                            Dual flatscreen monitors of course....although you can use a plasma screen i bet...but who has 5000 dolllars for that...

