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Transparency Graphics Issue

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  • Transparency Graphics Issue

    When ever I see a monster faid away after killing it or a summon like Carby or any of them, the picture of it and a close distance to it go weird, like black squares a bit or lines. It isnt a huge problem but it igets annoying knowing my system can handle the graphcs. I think it may be an issue with the settings being set incorrectly for the game. I was wondering what I should have the resolution at and texture settings etc. for the game. Specs are Geforce 5700 128mb(not the ultra or the LE version, just the normal one) 512 ddr 333 ram, and a athlon 2500+ non-oc'd. The game runs smoothly on 1024X768 and everything is fine, even with weather effects most of the time, just these stupid little things in the transperencies are annoying me. I have the latest drivers from nvidia website, wondering if I should go anywhere else for them. It is an asus card if it means anything. Thanks for your help.

    Oh and also my computer runs Doom3 on high and 1024X768 and has minimal problems with lag or slowness.

  • #2
    Hey I just started having this same exact problem as you describe and i dont know whats causing the problem someone plz help ; ; :confused:

    Server: Remora Tarutaru M | Sam 73 | Rdm 73


    • #3
      Any help ? ; ;

      Server: Remora Tarutaru M | Sam 73 | Rdm 73


      • #4
        I figured out that when i downloaded the newest drivers from the Nividia site thats what messed mine up like this. I found my disc that came with my Gfx card and reinstalled the older drivers and now it works good as new no more little blocks in the summons XD!:spin:

        Server: Remora Tarutaru M | Sam 73 | Rdm 73


        • #5
          please don't spam in the forums, if you want to add something to your prior postings, ie the resolution, click edit instead of post. asking over and over again will not help you get help faster, as the only helpers here are the forum members themselves, and spamming turns off many people around here.

          as for the driver problems, seems that nvidia is now the one with bad drivers, not ati (was like that long time ago)

          Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
          Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


          • #6
            If anyone else is having a problem like this, refer to this post v


            The drivers for NVIDIA aren't defective, FFXI just isn't compatable with anything new that they're dishing out. I had this problem last time and had to downgrade my drivers, and I'm about to do so again with the November 9th update. -.-;
            Hope this helps anyone else who has these problems.

