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Send and Receive both at 0, driving me crazy @_@

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  • Send and Receive both at 0, driving me crazy @_@

    Ever since that last update, FFXI has been acting up oddly... After a few hours of play, my client would have both S and R at 0, and I can't do anything. It won't even ping me out until a time after (it will stay at 100%, and won't count down to 0% unlike when some clients are experiencing R 0 problems).

    It's been getting really annoying, because I either have to wait until the client realizes that I'm not getting data and starts counting down to 0%, or I kill the process. I'm almost positive that the problem is not on my end, because I can browse on the internet on my other computer while my gaming computer is hanging there at 100% with S and R both at 0.

    Has anyone experienced this? Or does anyone have a solution to this problem? :sweat:
    Rank10 Bastokan~|ZM8|PM3-3B Lioumere -_-
    Currently: lolbst ; ;

  • #2
    I've had the exact same problem since the patch. On occasion, maybe once every couple of hours, I'll drop just like you described. Once I even dropped connection before I got the server welcome message.

    I've no clue what's causing it, although I don't remember anyone on ps2 complaining of the issue... so my best guess is that it's PC only. But I know of a lot of people who are experiencing the same thing.

    Wish I had a clue what could be done about it. Maybe the patch tomorrow will address the issue.


    • #3
      before accusing FFXI of being the problem, you have to explain a bit more about your computer and any recient additions in software/hardware/driver updates. This could also be a networking problem (you have more than one so i assume you have a network, possibly wireless since you have a laptop).

      BTW: your client is supposed to do that when it losses signal just to make sure it isn't a heavy dose of lag.

      Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
      Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Doppelganger
        before accusing FFXI of being the problem, you have to explain a bit more about your computer and any recient additions in software/hardware/driver updates. This could also be a networking problem (you have more than one so i assume you have a network, possibly wireless since you have a laptop).
        FFXI Computer:
        AMD Athlon XP 2500+
        512MB RAM
        ATi Radeon 9600XT
        ~20GB / 150GB free.

        Internet computer
        Intel Pentium II 450mhz (w)
        384MB RAM
        ATi Radeon 8500LE 64MB
        ~100 / 112GB free.

        I'm almost sure it isn't anything on my end. Like I said in my previous post, S0R0 didn't happen until that most recent patch update. I tried anything I could think up: freeing some bandwidth, taking off firewalls, and even directly connecting my FFXI computer to the cable modem (removed the router). Still S0R0.

        However, since today's update, I haven't experienced S0R0 yet.. perhaps they alleviated the problem... :sweat:
        Rank10 Bastokan~|ZM8|PM3-3B Lioumere -_-
        Currently: lolbst ; ;


        • #5
          you still didn't tell me the networking of these computers, that may be the cause.

          Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
          Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


          • #6
            Wonderful, just got kicked again. (This time I have to wait another ten minutes for Bastok-Jeuno airship, thank you S0R0!) I guess that last patch didn't solve anything regarding this incident

            Originally posted by Doppelganger
            you still didn't tell me the networking of these computers, that may be the cause.


            shimdic and Genus replied to my post concerning the issue, and they themselves have experiened S0R0. In the second link, multiple users have also complained about S0R0 being an issue POST-PATCH.

            I have not installed any software or hardware drivers since a month ago, weeks before the new update. Router is NOT an issue because like I said before, I connected my cable modem (Motorola Surfboard SB4100) directly to my computer, and still got S0R0. Router is a LinkSys 4-Port DSL/Cable router, BEFSR41, and has had NO problems with FFXI until this recent patch.

            Ports that were to be opened that were listed in the manual and on the FFXI site system requirements are opened. Again, I am nearly positive that this is NOT a networking problem. Yes, I am "blaming" FFXI for this because I can't think of anything that would allow me to surf the internet fine, yet not let me keep FFXI up for hours without getting S0R0'd. And again, we're not the only ones experiencing this issue; many, many users are experiencing this same problem.
            Rank10 Bastokan~|ZM8|PM3-3B Lioumere -_-
            Currently: lolbst ; ;


            • #7

              I have had the same problem, though I almost always recover instead of being dropped. I too know for a fact it's not a networking issue. My wife play in the same room as me, running off of the same router from the same cable modem (but she plays on PS2 and I play on PC). Her S/R is unaffected during these times.

              I can't really pin down anything that would be causing it. It's not when i do certain actions or anything. When it starts to happen, it happens a lot. Other days it won't happen at all. It's all a bit too nebulous to file a real complaint to tech support since I can't isolate it to actions/locations.


              • #8
                since i haven't been playing ffxi since the patch, i can't say much from my own experience, but considering all these things, it's either a problem with some configurations, or might (don't think it's too likely they would spend more than day without releasing a statement) be a serverside problem, in which case everyone is screwed until they fix it. however, since the number of complaints isn't that high, it's most likely a problem with the client configuration (mithrael, unless you have two identical comps [one was ghosted from the other+same hardware], that might happen to be the problem)

                and when i mean network, that includes the computer's network adaptor, be it part of teh mobo or a card/usb modem

                Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
                Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


                • #9
                  wierd, the same things happened to me 2 or 3 times already


                  • #10
                    This problem has not been isolated to my home computer (the one I described where my wife plays on the same router, unaffected by dropout). It also occurs when I login from work (where ironically, I troubleshoot PC networking issues...) durring lunches. In both cases, the machines continue all other network activity (IRC, FTP, HTTP, Exchange, etc.) uninterrupted, while only the connection to FFXI (not Playonline) is terminated. As stated before, this did not occur on either machine until the recent server software update. I've done everything I can to eleminate the probability that it is on my end.

                    The problem could be out of SE's control. Perhaps coincidentally there was a change in routing between Texas and Japan around the time of the patch. However, you need to consider the possibility that SE is not always forthcoming about it's network/server issues. For example, the seach utility problem of last year that GM after GM swore didn't exist. This patch, for the record, was the biggest botch that I've seen from SE since I started playing in June of last year. Broken Inventory listing, AHs, mobs (acting incorrect when certain actions were performed against them), claiming and spawning system, and spell and ability ranges, have all already been identified and fixed. Clearly, this patch was not tested as thoroughly as they would have wished. This timeout (R0) problem is not as easily identified, and assuming it's not a transient overseas routing issue, will probably take quite some time to figure out. Intermittent issues are always the toughest to find.

                    Also, this thread indicates that more than just the people who posted here are having the same problem (though i'm not usually a fan of internet petitions...)

                    Sometimes odd occurences conspire to do odd things. But with multiple people, all having no change in their computer configuration, start having problems at the same time after a change to the server software, one has to look at the possibility that some of the new code is causing an unexpected loss of packets -- or that it's causing the thread to deadlock and the server stops communicating with the client.


                    • #11
                      Sorry, just copied from the other thread because i'm lazy right now.


                      Problem is currently being addressed, it seems.

                      - An issue regarding misjudgement of the current transmission state that may result in unexpected disconnections.


                      • #12
                        well then, just sit back and disenjoy the ride:sweat:

                        if SE was more careful, we wouldn't have to go aroundsaying differnet possiblilities then... hope it gets resolved before i play again else ill never make it out of valk alive (hate leveling subjobs there.. but it's the fastest way :dead: )

                        Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
                        Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


                        • #13
                          I forgot to add. I could send and recieve messages from within FFXI even when my R and S were at 0!!!! Now that wierd ><


                          • #14
                            did you get responses (to your messages or from surrounding PCs)?

                            if you did, it sounds like a lag problem more than connection actually dropping.

                            Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
                            Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


                            • #15
                              As I posted earlier.. I'm suffering from the same s0 r0 problem. The problem only started since the last patch. A ps2 hooked up to playonline through the same router internet connection has had zero disconnects.

                              What I wanted to add though is I noticed this yesterday: even through I'd lagged out of the 'game', I was still able to do perform searches with the /sea command. It's as if that was a seperate connection that hadn't timed/lagged/whatevered out.

