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GRrrrrrr... FPS laggy...

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  • GRrrrrrr... FPS laggy...

    Hi all,
    I'm hoping someone can give me a little help with this problem, as I am about ready to buy a ps2 just so I can play. I'll give my system specs first:

    Dell Inspiron 5100 Notebook (yeah, yeah, I know, laptops suck for gaming)
    Pentium 4 2.4 GHz
    512 Mb RAM
    Mobility Radeon 7500C Vid Card (32 Mb)
    Windows XP
    'Net connection is cable and super fast

    I have recently resumed the game after about a month or so of absence, and I have noticed that my problems with the FPS have just gone downhill. I used to play at 800 x 800 background and 800 x 600 menu resolution (the higher background resolution caused a bit too much lag) with no problems at all. Now I can't even play on the lowest settings without getting horribly laggy graphics. I tried updating my video card driver, but the problem was not fixed. Anyways, this is so bad I can't even time spells properly, or open my map while running... computer gurus... help!
    Pandia of Windurst
    10 BST, 30 WHM, 13 BLM

  • #2
    tweak your graphics card settings, NOT game settings.. you could have AA/AF enabled in your graphics card settings.


    • #3
      things to look for here, viruses, adware, spyware.. if you haven't added anything since you last played, that is most likely the problem... while your at it, just defrag you hdd, it's worked wonders for me

      Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
      Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.

