sup guys, im getting a new comp (laptop) for college. ill be leaving around late august and im not allowed to bring my ps2 xbox or gc with me. (they said not to bring any video game console) they did however say that pc gaming is allowed, plus a computer is nice to have when u want to do papers. ive had my eye on ffxi for some time as well as some others (max payne, unreal tourny 2k4, halo ect.) anyway... by august i should have around 1k to 1.5k (dollars) to spend on a nice laptop (yes i set aside money for the montly ffxi fees already). im wondering what the best bang for my buck is here... i was originaly interested in some of the alien ware stuff, but with all of the costs its gona get way too expensive (2.4 for the peice i want), right now the best deal seems to be an hp with an nvida 5600 moblie... if u guys have any reccomendations (or maybe even a better idea of how to tackle this) id be glad to hear em!.
EDIT: heres the hp im talkin bout
EDIT: heres the hp im talkin bout