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Firewalls / Anti-Virus'

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  • Firewalls / Anti-Virus'

    So basically, this laptop I'm on is totaly screwed up and has no hope what-so-ever. I'm getting a totaly new, powerfull computer in a couple of weeks and I have a new version of Norton Anti-Virus which is fine? I want to know what firewall I should get? I'm also getting ADSL with the new computer... I don't want to use ZoneAlarm because it's caused more trouble on this computer than it was worth.

    I don't mind paying for a firewall either, just something to stop unwanted access to my computer! Please help out.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  • #2
    Hmm I would have said zone alarm, I've had zero trouble

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    • #3
      I found zone alarm to be one big pain in the ass. Very annoying. Unfortunatly, thats the only firewall that I know, aside from XP's own sucky firewall, which has no chance of doing anything (though it did screw up my lancraft).
      Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


      • #4
        Best choice is a hardware firewall (aka router or switch) because it generates a NAT for you to be behind. It's wut I do (no software firewalls) because the software option is only as safe as your OS. Whether it is Linux, Mac, or Windows, I'd rather be behind the former option I mentioned. But I too would suggest Zone Alarm: or Sygate Personal Firewall : So, there ya have it ^_^

