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About AMD Processor Types...

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  • About AMD Processor Types...

    Well im trying to by a new processor, but i want to make sure i can run it with my motherboard. Im currently using and AMD Athlon Athlon XP, at 1.1 GHz(not sure what level it is, 1600, or whatever). Anyways, i was planning on buying a AMD Athlon 2400, but it says 'Thoroughbred' and some say 'Barton'. I didnt understand this, and i wanted to make sure that when i bought a processor, i would be able to use it. The one im currently using runs through Socket A, and so do these, i just wanted to be absolutly sure.

  • #2
    Thouroughbred and Barton are the CPU Cache Types.
    Thouroughbreds have an FSB (Front Side Bus) of 256 MB.
    Bartons have an FSB of 333 MB. Both are Socket A Compatible, but the Barton CPU will communicate with your memory at a faster if you can, get the Barton FSB CPU...

    Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


    • #3
      All right thanks a lot, this has really helped me make my decision on what to get, pricing wasnt really a big deal, has probably the cheapest prices i have seen for this stuff. Again, thanks for all your help.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DJplaeskool
        Thouroughbred and Barton are the CPU Cache Types.
        Thouroughbreds have an FSB (Front Side Bus) of 256 MB.
        Bartons have an FSB of 333 MB. Both are Socket A Compatible, but the Barton CPU will communicate with your memory at a faster if you can, get the Barton FSB CPU...
        That answer pwned.
        Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


        • #5
          But you might want to make sure your motherboard supports the higher FSB of the Barton (and also it's speed too). I don't know wut kind of mobo you have, but it may be old enough as to where the choosing between the two won't matter much because they may be too high end for your mobo. Just double check it b4 you go and buy it. Because it would definately be nice if my 2 year old socket A mobo could run a Barton 3200 haha (too bad it doesn't >.<)


          • #6
            How can check this? I was planning on buying it right now but if my mobo can't even run it... I know my mother board is Asus Tech, whats else do i need to know about it?


            • #7

              Check the Board Model, then check it's specs on the site...
              It should have a list of compatible CPU specifications and the like...

              Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool

