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Radeon owners: Are you getting artifacting?

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  • Radeon owners: Are you getting artifacting?

    I currently have a Radeon 9500 softmodded to a 9700 running at stock speeds. (270/270ish). I notice that in hallways and in buildings sometimes I'll get lines of white dots around the corners or walls or along the floor. This doesn't bother me much but the two Radeon 9500 cards I've bought exhibit this slight annoyance. How do you fair in this?
    Jinusean = 75pal 63 ranger 37war 26thf 25whm 25 blm
    Seance = 44brd 36whm 23blm 18rdm 16thf [retired]

  • #2
    Yeah, it even creeps me out. I have this thing at stock settings and I get small almost unoticable artifacting sometimes. Im on the Ati Radeon 9600 pro. Anyone else?
    Ithica is gone ._.


    • #3
      I get this on the Radeon 9500 Pro with it's basic settings, and even when I up things like "smoothvision" and etc.
      BLM : 29 / BRD : 41 / WHM : 11 / PLD : 25 / WAR : 14 / DRK : 17


      • #4
        Yup.. seeing slight dots and irregularities with my 9600 pro... wouldn't call it true artifacting tho...


        • #5
          Sounds more like seaming than artifacting...
          and that may be because FFXI was originally written for nVidia cards and has only recently had ATi compatibility assured...
          Artifacting normally only happens when either the GFX drivers are incompatible or the card overheats...
          They'll probably hammer out ATi flaws over time in patches...

          Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


          • #6
            Yeah - I run a 9600Pro, stock settings (though I've tested @ 450/330 with no change). certainly not artifacts, though. I get it in the dunes sometimes, and I would agree that it seams.


            • #7
              9600 pro, stock - same thing.


              • #8
                I have a 9800 Pro, and I have the same problems. It is where the different textures meet or so it seems. I thought it might have been the antialiasing or aniostropic filtering, but it does not go away no matter how much you turn it down or up. I am not sure if this will be fixed or not, but it is only a small annoyance. You can also move to the side a bit to make it go away haha.



                • #9
                  I have been getting seaming and occasional flickering off some textures (The signs at the Bastok AH, occasional terrain plates). I also get some ugly effects on the clouds in the Highlands. This is using a 9600 Pro. Overall, though, I have been very happy with this card and expect that the problems will be dealt with sooner or later. If noone has seen anything official from SE yet I would recommend sending somethign to support. Of course, I am still waiting for a reply on an install issue I ran into.
                  My Profile - Click, you like.


                  • #10
                    I'm getting similar the same problems among other things with a nVidia Ti 4200, so its not just ATI cards.


                    • #11
                      nice, thanks for all the replies. =)
                      I was worried that something was wrong with my 9500softmod9700 card (these babies are rare!).
                      Jinusean = 75pal 63 ranger 37war 26thf 25whm 25 blm
                      Seance = 44brd 36whm 23blm 18rdm 16thf [retired]


                      • #12
                        I'm using a GeForce 5900 Ultra and I get the white-dot texture seems occasionally too. A more annoying problem, though, is that I get washed out textures when the sun is high in the sky. In the dunes, for example, the gray sand gets so washed out it looks like I'm playing against a white sheet of paper. Another example is the roads in North and South Gustaberg glow so brightly it makes my eyes hurt. I've seen screenshots with this same effect so I know its not just my card.

