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Geforce Ti4600

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  • Geforce Ti4600

    Just wondering what people are getting score wise with this card, mainly I'm trying to figure out if it would be more beneficial for the money to upgrade my processor or my video card. I get about 3150 High res, w/ 512mb ram and an Xp @ 1.8ghz

  • #2
    Whats your current card? Also, more system specs, the better. Just tell us if you are OC'ing, Current CPU, Possible CPU, RAM, Current GPU, anything else related.



    • #3
      My current card is a geforce Ti4600, I have an amd xp 1800 OC'd to 1.8ghz and 512mb of ram.

      I'm thinking of upgrading to an amd xp 2700+ and probably OC'ing that, but I'm unsure if my bottleneck is my processor or my video card. It's fairly cheap to upgrade the processor, but if I'm at the limit of my video card (I think I'm not) it won't help ffxi run any faster.

      Basically I'm trying to see if anyone has gotten significantly higher than 3150 with a Ti4600, or if that's close to the limit of the video card?


      • #4
        I have roughtly exactly what you have.

        AMD Athlon XP 1800+
        GeForce4 ti4400
        512MB pc-2700 DDR
        Windows XP

        The game runs PERFECTLY with no texture compression, bump mapping, and maxxed out resolution.


        • #5
          What numbers are you getting with that setup Ziekke?

          This is my setup and I can only get 2500-2600 High.

          Athlon 64
          GeForce 4 TI4400
          512MB PC3200 SDRAM Corsair
          Win XP

          Why is that?
          Sabre - 75 DRK - 37 WAR - 45 THF - 62 RNG
          Rank - 10

          Leaping Lizzy - 12/90+
          Valkurm Emperor - 1/2
          Stroper Chymes - 2/? (not NM, but still)


          • #6
            Well I did several things since I originally posted this, first thing was to install newer via 4 in 1 drivers that jumped me up to about 3300 points, I messed around with my video card's settings and Oc'd my processor to 1890 and got upto about 3500.

            Then I decided to upgrade my processor, now I'm running:

            Barton 2500 @ 2.4ghz (218x11), Ti4600, 512mb ram. My score went up to:

            I think my video card is the bottleneck now.


            • #7
              Sabre the only thing I can think of is possibly your Ti4400 is your bottleneck, I turned off antialiasing and set all the sliders to max performance, and turned off the direct3d refresh syncing and got a good boost, I bet if you did the same you'd be 3-3.5k with yours.


              • #8
                Thanks for the info. I'll try it tonight.
                Sabre - 75 DRK - 37 WAR - 45 THF - 62 RNG
                Rank - 10

                Leaping Lizzy - 12/90+
                Valkurm Emperor - 1/2
                Stroper Chymes - 2/? (not NM, but still)

