I don't have FFXI but I plan on getting it, and I need to upgrade my computer's graphics card in order to run the game properly. I was looking at the NVIDIA GeForceFX 5200 128MB PCI DUAL VGA & TV, one of the few cards compatible with my system because I have no AGP slots. Will this graphics card be sufficient enough to run FFXI decently and to up the resolutions as stated in this thread: http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/sho...threadid=23439 ?? Also, will the game run decently with 128 MB of RAM and an 860 MHz Pentium III processor? I plan on updating RAM and processor speed later I am just wondering how the game will perform with the graphics card and my computer's basic specs initially. Please, if you have any input it would be greatly appreciated!
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Help in choosing a Graphics card
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Mebbe u should buy a new comp
Cuz a new vid card will only help so much, you would have the biggest gain by increasing the memory & type of memory in addition to a video card and processor, but at this point you would be better off building one (or buying if you dont know how to build) w/ a faster AGP slot & and one thats capable of using faster memory.
DesmarNM Record:
Leaping lizzy 0/3
Spook 1/3
Crypt Ghost 1/3
Juu Duzu The Whirlwind 2/2
Vuu Puqu The Beguiler 2/2
Stinging Sophie 0/3
Tumbling Truffle 0/1
Jaggedy Eared Jack 0/1
Thousandarms Deshglesh 2/2
Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1
Orcish Barricader 0/1
Hundredscar Hajwaj 1/1
Doppelganger Dio 1/1
Doppelganger Gog 1/1
Bomb King 1/1
Ash Dragon - Got a screenshot before I died if that counts ^^
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Its kinda tough for me to purchase a whole new system, especially one that I would be customizing (they seem to run over $1k and thats definately difficult for me to manage) so the best thing I can do is upgrade the system I have now. Will the graphics card I found work good enough to run the game at least? And is there any way to get an AGP slot for my system? I'm a little newbish when it comes to hardware. I would think that an upgraded system would work well enough... Or not?
Thanks 0
it might run, but it will be- low graphics settings that will ruin gameplay
- choppy graphics to make you think you are playing counter-strike in 600 ping
- just plain ruin the experience
Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.
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I see. Thanks for informing me of this before I purchased stuff that really wouldnt have helped... It looks like im going to find a way to get a new computer or just wait for the PS2 version... hopefully I'll be able to get either and play the game... hopefully...
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