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All about the video card, huh?

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  • All about the video card, huh?

    So from what i can tell, many people went into buying/installing the game, with a video card they thought was good enough.
    Tunring out it wasnt.
    Thats not far from my problem. I have an integrated Intel video card, one thats stuck to the motherboard. So, im looking for a few ideas around this.
    Some things i hear have to do with a PCi vid card. Will this work for me? Talking about a Nvidia GeForce4 MX440 PCI.
    If that wont work for me to start playing the game, how else can i get around my crap vid card?
    I know someone has an idea...
    Never play leap-frog with Unicorns...

  • #2
    You can buy a crap non-intel video card and overclock it...


    • #3
      First its not ALL video card...but its mostly...and those people were probably expecting incredibly high quality...BUT ANYWAY, if you can avoid a PCI card because you have an AGP slot go with an AGP card, even a Radeon 9000 will do, well actually if you post the rest of the stats we can help more, but i just got a Radeon 9800 Pro and gave my friend my Radeon 9000, he runs it on Mid quality with a 1.6 GHz processor i believe and 512 mb RAM. But if you have to do PCI then get a 128mb one because youll need the extra power because the PCIs share with the rest of the comps hardware in PCI slots. Oh and dont overclock if you dont know what your doing:sweat: :sweat:

      Warrior TP Warrior WS


      • #4
        Alright, if you have as little money as I do I suggest you go for the ATI Radeon 9600. It's fairly cheap (145 or so?) and it overclocks to a ATI 9800 (128 MBVersion). Just make sure you keep your case open and a fan blowing on it. If you need an overclocking program ask me I have MANY. It seems there are two different ones that run on AMD motherboards and another one that runs on INTEL motherboards. They seem to fail when crisscrossed with eachother. By the way I used Geforce 4 Ti4800. Do NOT use this card for FFXI. It seems alright for most of it until you hit fuckin sand storms then it starts lagging like hell.


        • #5
          .....I suggest you go for the ATI Radeon 9600. It's fairly cheap (145 or so?) and it overclocks to a ATI 9800 (128 MBVersion). Just make sure you keep your case open and a fan blowing on it. .....
          YOu got to be fucking kidding me.... you gonna tell me a 9600np can oc to a 9800np? Open up the case and but a fan blowing on it? Wow thats.... dont listen to that guy.

          What mobo do you have, that should help me field what card to direct you to. You want to get a Dx8.1 card. This is a card that is build around DirectX 8.1.... and FFXI uses DX 8.1... now I would advise to get a 9600pro... I have said this many times in this forum, and Ill say it again... If you buy any less you will just have to buy a new card in 3-4 months. All less cards will not run ANY new games. There are no more 8.1 games coming out they all will be 9.0b or 9. This doesnt mean that your 8.1 cards wont work but they will have the same affect as the Shiro said about his 4800... new games will lag in spots...

          the 9600np is less than 145, matter of fact you can get a Pro for about that at newegg. I will vouche for them, it too 3 days flat for my comp to get here from there. Everything was there despite it being shipped in 5 boxes, and not a thing was damaged. Excellent place to buy from. But i need to know what mobo you have.
          Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

          3DMark01se :18975


          • #6
            If Mobo is motherboard, then mine is a Glendale motherboard. I dont know version or serial information.

            My current graphics card is integrated into the motherboard. So basically PCI slot is the only way i can go....unless theres a secret way around it lol. I just want to be able to run FFXI. ATM i cant even play tetra master.....

            Oh yea, lemme say it now.....Even tho im good with cars, i suck at computers. ( i get around fine, but sometimes idk wtf yall are talking about lol, keep in simple if you can)
            Never play leap-frog with Unicorns...


            • #7
              you'll probably have to find a PCI card on pricewatch...

              here is one
              its about the best your gonna get for PCI... you must really want to hold on to that computer then. But yeah PCI is gonna be slow as hell and you wont get the full power of the AGP version, but thats the card you gonna have to get. YOu should do fine in most areas, but when weather effects come on you will lag, so i would just turn the weather off. But this will get you started....

              Now I need explain somthing to anyone else who is about to flame on about how the FX 5200 sucks and you should get the 9200.... 5200 is cheaper and it works, end of story. You damn sure wont be able to run any nextgen games on any PCI card but since thats all he has he mind as well work in his means.

              Hey BossPlaya, download cpu-z, look it up on google. then take a pic of that window... just hit printscrn button on the keyboard and paste in mspaint, then crop. that way i can know what you got. Be sure to save it as a gif

              You should post me a image like this.
              Attached Files
              Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

              3DMark01se :18975


              • #8
                Well, thank you for the information.
                Ive decided to quit while im only $50 down. as it stands im looking at around 100 for a vid card, and another 100-150 for more ram.
                im just gonna save some cash and get it in march.
                (not like Im broke, i just have more important things to do with my cash like my car payment for one) I refuse to toss 300 dollars to just play one my pc wont cut it, big deal, im out $50.

                Thanks for all the help everyone offered, see ya in march.

                Till then i have EQOA and EQOA:Frontiers to keep me busy.
                Never play leap-frog with Unicorns...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Shiro_Hayate
                  Alright, if you have as little money as I do I suggest you go for the ATI Radeon 9600. It's fairly cheap (145 or so?) and it overclocks to a ATI 9800 (128 MBVersion). Just make sure you keep your case open and a fan blowing on it. If you need an overclocking program ask me I have MANY. It seems there are two different ones that run on AMD motherboards and another one that runs on INTEL motherboards. They seem to fail when crisscrossed with eachother. By the way I used Geforce 4 Ti4800. Do NOT use this card for FFXI. It seems alright for most of it until you hit fuckin sand storms then it starts lagging like hell.
                  im guessing you didn't know that the 9600pro runs at 500mh, while the 9800pro runs at <450 on all non-oc'ed models? how can you overclock to 9800 speeds, if they are lower than the card's default speed?

                  in case you are wondering why it's higher, it's because it has only 4 pipelines (9800 and 9700 have 8), so that gives it a comparable proformance (the card can be oc'ed to well over 600, so it can do very good)

                  Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
                  Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.

