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  • Wireless

    Hey, i have wireless cable internet at my house, is that a problem? Is there anything wrong with using wireless internet for this game?

  • #2
    Why would you ask that? What gives you the idea it won't work?
    Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

    3DMark01se :18975


    • #3
      Probably the fact that so many people have been saying that the game wont let them sign on to any of the servers on their wireless internet, yet the can connect to the servers fine if they hook it up regularly (w/o wireless)
      Main: BLM69/WHM35
      LS: Darkheart/TwilightStars


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blink
        Probably the fact that so many people have been saying that the game wont let them sign on to any of the servers on their wireless internet, yet the can connect to the servers fine if they hook it up regularly (w/o wireless)
        those are idiots who don't know about port fowarding..... that will happen with anyone who has a router

        i have wireless, and i get almost no lag (any lag i get is due to my sister hogging bandwidth with 20 websites loading+aim+dl of something:mad: )

        if you have wireless, i suggest you change the beacon setting to 25ms

        Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
        Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


        • #5
          So how do you fix the problem with wireless. Do you have to open some ports or something ??
          ~yes but what happens if I run out of ideas I mean if no one can help me and i run out of ideas then what ?~

          RNG:60 THF:25 BLM:32 WHM:16 BST:17 WAR:20 NIN:48

          Fishing:96 Woodworking:80 GoldSmithing: 60


          • #6
            Wireless here and I've had no problems at all. I didnt have to change any settings or anything, it worked the first time I tried to play it.

