Originally posted by sandman53
The problem with those is the fact the the FSB is low....you would get better performance from and 800 FSB than a 400 or 533....and the ECS board doesnt mention what kind of AGP it has...and the Pc chips only had 4X.......i guess they are ok if you are on a budget though.......
The problem with those is the fact the the FSB is low....you would get better performance from and 800 FSB than a 400 or 533....and the ECS board doesnt mention what kind of AGP it has...and the Pc chips only had 4X.......i guess they are ok if you are on a budget though.......
533fsb can support ddr400 (not dual channel, but then again, most boards don't have that, even the 800mh ones), and it can support dual channel ddr 333 and rd 1066 memory.
4x agp vs 8x agp isn't a big deal right now, specially in most games. the extra bandwith is just wasted because no games need it.
i have a p4 @ 2.53, 533mh fsb, rd 800, and ti 4200 64mb version (the source of why my score is this low). i get 3400 on high, 4400 on low. if you plan on getting a good graphics card (9600pro, 9700/9800), then this will let you play games for at least 2 years, in decient quality too.
japan, get a decient cpu/mobo (if you got the money, a 865 or 875 p4 board +ddr 400 in dual channel). KEEP YOUR VIDEO CARD, IT IS THE BEST PART OF YOUR COMPUTER.