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Wireless Question

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  • Wireless Question

    I was wondering on how to go about making a wireless network for my computer. What items do need to buy to go on a wireless phoneline, etc. Other people use the phone so this is my best option. Yes, I'm staying with 56K thank you.
    WHM 5/ BLM 10/ RDM 34/ THF 15/ WAR 4/ MNK 1/ DRK 14/ DRG 1/

  • #2
    i use the linksys wireless 802.11b lan connection. since you can configure the router for dailup (external modem needed, and you must be crazy to spend more money on that broadband that comes with a modem), you should get a usb connecter, or a pc card with it. the good thing is that you can be up to 500 feet away (outdoors only) and still get reception.

    Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
    Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.

