I have been asked a million times to make this so here...
Step 1 water cooling parts
Radiators and heatercores
These are some what the same thing. A radiator is made Just for water cooling, while a heater core comes from a car, The use of heater cores require a small modification to make the hosing fit right, unless you buy a premodified one . These remove the heat from your system.
** note about tubing .the tubes go on the OUTSIDE of the barbs the INNER DIAMETER (called ID) of the tubes should be the same size as the OUTER DIAMETER (called OD)of the BARBS.
The two recommended types of tubes are Clearflex60 and Tygon. They are pretty much the same and come in 3/8ID and 1/2ID.
When looking at tubing or fittings, you will often see ID and OD. Your tubes go around the fittings so make sure if the fitting(radiator or pump) is 3/8OD make sure you get 3/8ID tubing
A pump drives the water though your Water cooling system. They can be measured by Max heading or flow rate. The max heading is more important than flow rate. But in most cases You should be fine with 150 to 300GPH (gallons per hour) flowrate
Types of pumps;
Danner MAG - the pump I use It's a GREAT pump .
EHIEM - known for being dependable for many years .
HyDOR - a good pump that is newer than many other brands so it doesnt have have as much support by the people because its relitivly new on the water cooling scene .
IWAKI - these are very expencive but they are top of the line . Most people will not use these because they are alot of $$$$. But the have the HIGHEST Maxheading
VIA AQUA: An inexpensive, yet dependable pump. Often considered noisy
What to look for in your pump
1 flow rate - how much water the pump can move. usualy rated in gallons per hour or per minute. they are also sometimes rated in liters per hour or minute . make sure you know wich one you are seeing.
2 head pressure - this is basicaly the amount of force that it can move the water with at a certian flow rate. so higher head pressure usualy means higher flow also. sometimes we just call this head for short and for many systems a high head pump will do wonders .
3 HEAT. yes the pumps will create heat and as the water flows through the pump it will recieve some but this isnt usualy a big problem
4 Vibration. some pumps just vibrate more than others . some have better mounting than others to counter vibration as well.
5 SIZE - can you fit your pump into your case with everything else ?
6 Noise - this is a by product of vibration but some pumps are just louder than others
Water blocks
The water block is what replaces your HEAT SINK fan combo. It sits on top of your GPU and CPU, the heat is then taken away from it as the water passes though which is then passed on the the radiator where a fan rids the heat. There are MANY MANY types of water blocks, and they are made of many different things. A pure compper water block works best. Avoid plastic , and aluminum. Pure silver is the best heat trasfer wise but good luck getting one. People who have been cooling for a few years even make thier own!
Fans push and pull air through your radiator or heater core to take the heat from the water and transfer it to the air . There are 2 general sizes ,120 millimeter and 80 millimeter . alot of people use 120mm fans .
for a one fan setup you can choose to push the air through the radiator or pull it through. When possible pulling the air through is prefurred but its usualy dependant on where you want to mount your radiator . for a 2 fan setup 1 pushing and 1 pulling . many people reduce the speed of 120mm fans and use 2 of them in a push pull configuration and get a quiet system with very good cooling ability so dont think that you have to have them at full speed for them to be effective.
Shrouds are used to remove the dead spots of air directly in front of the middle part of the fan by moving the fan a little bit away from the core . if your fan is directly touching the core then you will have a small section of core that is not benifiting from the moving air . shrouds are easy to make or you can buy them premade for some heater cores or radiators. Shroud premade
Hose clamps
These fit around the part of the tube that is connected so something like your radiator. They ensure your tubing does not pop off.
coolant & additives
OK well you want to actualy fill your system with liquid right? well you will need to add water but not just any water. USE DISTILLED WATER, distillled water is water that has been evaporated to remove the impurities such as minerals.. some people suggest de ionized water but this is not a good idea because de ionized water will attempt to re ionize itself by pulling ions from the surrounding metal parts of our system ( not generaly a good thing) .
ADDITIVES usualy mixed in a 90% water 10% additive solution but you can safely go as low as 97% to 3% depending on your system. the function of additives is 2 fold .
1. toprevent corrosion of your water cooling system
2. some agents like water wetter are designed to releave tensionon the metal surface area so tht more water molecules can touch the surface and therefore carry away more heat . this may or may not really benifit a system but has been proven in higher temperature ranges for automobiles so why not .NOTE water wetter will stain your tubing most of the time unless you opt for special tubing .
Mixing your water solution
step 1 is to know exactly how much water your system will hold with all the air bubles out of it . you achieve this by running the system for more than 24 hours before installing it in the case and continue to refill it till it wont fill no more. then after yuo are sure as much of the air is out of the system as possible drain ALL the water from the entire system in some large container that will allow you to measure how much was actualy in the system. now that you have your measurement ( for instance my system holds about 1.8 liters ) you can now do some math to find out how much additive you need to add. this requires that you finished 5th grade math AND know your measurement tables which is far less common knowledge!!!
common examples of additives are :
Antifreeze ( most brands as long as it does not use a wax binding agent)
Water wetter
Purple Ice
windshield washer fluid ( some people use this but i dont recomend it because it lowers heat transfer slightly and in some situations can cause bubbles )
All these do is provide an easy way for you to fill your system with water! anyone will do
Step2: installing all of the junk!
Order of cooling equipment
I like pump outlet to radiator inlet, then radiator outlet to waterblock inlet , then waterblock outlet to northbridge inlet, and then from north bridge outlet to video card inlet. next from video card outlet to resevior inlet and from resevior outlet to pump inlet. NOTE that you dont have to do it this way and that not all of the stages are required for your water cooling system.
1) So we unwrap our new pump and find an ideal place. Most times pumps come with an inlet on the side and the outlet on top. Some times these are 2 different sizes like an 3/8OD inlet and a 1/2 OD outlet. So you must buy the right fittings to compensate. Mounting the pump is optional. By mounting it you ensure that the pump always stays in place AND it reduces if not down right gets rid of vibrations.
2)Radiator or heater core. Installing these might require you to buy longer screws. Placement for these are totaly up to you. Some mount them up on top if you have a blow hole. Or some mount them in the front or rear intake/outtake fan mountings. You will want to mount it where your fans are because you need to install it directly to a fan. Now you can have your fan pull or blow:spin:. I think blowing cool air into the radiator is better some think pulling the hot air out is better. Or have 2 fans 1 on each side (1 pulling and blowing).
3)Now for the waterblock. Assuming all your fittings are correct. Just clamp on your water block do not use any thermal paste because we wont be starting the computer yet.
4)Ok lets just say thats all i bought i have placed my pump, radiator, and cpu water block. I now break out my tygon tubing. i measure from my pump out take to my radiatro intake. I now Aim for a strait cut. make sure your cuts are as strait as can be. Then i slide my tubing on. It should be a fairly tight fit. I then break out my MEATAL! hose clamps and clamp them on. I now repeat the last step for my radiator to cpu and my cpu to the resevior and from there to the pump again. All the time looking to make sure everything is on tight and snug. I now plug my pump in. I make sure to use distilled water and use the right mixtures. Filling it slowly when the resevior is full I turn the pump on and the water in the resevior should be sucking into the tubes. I then keep on filling it till all the tubing is full and cap off the resevior. NOTE do not turn on your computer just your pump! Check for any leaks leave it on for a few hours just to be sure.
**for those with pumps that plug into your mobo. TAKE out your cpu and reclamp the waterblock without it on or you can just lay your waterblock to the side. Then turn on your computer.
Now LEAVE ME ALONE :mad: :mad: :mad:
Step 1 water cooling parts
Radiators and heatercores
These are some what the same thing. A radiator is made Just for water cooling, while a heater core comes from a car, The use of heater cores require a small modification to make the hosing fit right, unless you buy a premodified one . These remove the heat from your system.
** note about tubing .the tubes go on the OUTSIDE of the barbs the INNER DIAMETER (called ID) of the tubes should be the same size as the OUTER DIAMETER (called OD)of the BARBS.
The two recommended types of tubes are Clearflex60 and Tygon. They are pretty much the same and come in 3/8ID and 1/2ID.
When looking at tubing or fittings, you will often see ID and OD. Your tubes go around the fittings so make sure if the fitting(radiator or pump) is 3/8OD make sure you get 3/8ID tubing

A pump drives the water though your Water cooling system. They can be measured by Max heading or flow rate. The max heading is more important than flow rate. But in most cases You should be fine with 150 to 300GPH (gallons per hour) flowrate
Types of pumps;
Danner MAG - the pump I use It's a GREAT pump .
EHIEM - known for being dependable for many years .
HyDOR - a good pump that is newer than many other brands so it doesnt have have as much support by the people because its relitivly new on the water cooling scene .
IWAKI - these are very expencive but they are top of the line . Most people will not use these because they are alot of $$$$. But the have the HIGHEST Maxheading
VIA AQUA: An inexpensive, yet dependable pump. Often considered noisy
What to look for in your pump
1 flow rate - how much water the pump can move. usualy rated in gallons per hour or per minute. they are also sometimes rated in liters per hour or minute . make sure you know wich one you are seeing.
2 head pressure - this is basicaly the amount of force that it can move the water with at a certian flow rate. so higher head pressure usualy means higher flow also. sometimes we just call this head for short and for many systems a high head pump will do wonders .
3 HEAT. yes the pumps will create heat and as the water flows through the pump it will recieve some but this isnt usualy a big problem
4 Vibration. some pumps just vibrate more than others . some have better mounting than others to counter vibration as well.
5 SIZE - can you fit your pump into your case with everything else ?
6 Noise - this is a by product of vibration but some pumps are just louder than others
Water blocks
The water block is what replaces your HEAT SINK fan combo. It sits on top of your GPU and CPU, the heat is then taken away from it as the water passes though which is then passed on the the radiator where a fan rids the heat. There are MANY MANY types of water blocks, and they are made of many different things. A pure compper water block works best. Avoid plastic , and aluminum. Pure silver is the best heat trasfer wise but good luck getting one. People who have been cooling for a few years even make thier own!
Fans push and pull air through your radiator or heater core to take the heat from the water and transfer it to the air . There are 2 general sizes ,120 millimeter and 80 millimeter . alot of people use 120mm fans .
for a one fan setup you can choose to push the air through the radiator or pull it through. When possible pulling the air through is prefurred but its usualy dependant on where you want to mount your radiator . for a 2 fan setup 1 pushing and 1 pulling . many people reduce the speed of 120mm fans and use 2 of them in a push pull configuration and get a quiet system with very good cooling ability so dont think that you have to have them at full speed for them to be effective.
Shrouds are used to remove the dead spots of air directly in front of the middle part of the fan by moving the fan a little bit away from the core . if your fan is directly touching the core then you will have a small section of core that is not benifiting from the moving air . shrouds are easy to make or you can buy them premade for some heater cores or radiators. Shroud premade
Hose clamps
These fit around the part of the tube that is connected so something like your radiator. They ensure your tubing does not pop off.
coolant & additives
OK well you want to actualy fill your system with liquid right? well you will need to add water but not just any water. USE DISTILLED WATER, distillled water is water that has been evaporated to remove the impurities such as minerals.. some people suggest de ionized water but this is not a good idea because de ionized water will attempt to re ionize itself by pulling ions from the surrounding metal parts of our system ( not generaly a good thing) .
ADDITIVES usualy mixed in a 90% water 10% additive solution but you can safely go as low as 97% to 3% depending on your system. the function of additives is 2 fold .
1. toprevent corrosion of your water cooling system
2. some agents like water wetter are designed to releave tensionon the metal surface area so tht more water molecules can touch the surface and therefore carry away more heat . this may or may not really benifit a system but has been proven in higher temperature ranges for automobiles so why not .NOTE water wetter will stain your tubing most of the time unless you opt for special tubing .
Mixing your water solution
step 1 is to know exactly how much water your system will hold with all the air bubles out of it . you achieve this by running the system for more than 24 hours before installing it in the case and continue to refill it till it wont fill no more. then after yuo are sure as much of the air is out of the system as possible drain ALL the water from the entire system in some large container that will allow you to measure how much was actualy in the system. now that you have your measurement ( for instance my system holds about 1.8 liters ) you can now do some math to find out how much additive you need to add. this requires that you finished 5th grade math AND know your measurement tables which is far less common knowledge!!!
common examples of additives are :
Antifreeze ( most brands as long as it does not use a wax binding agent)
Water wetter
Purple Ice
windshield washer fluid ( some people use this but i dont recomend it because it lowers heat transfer slightly and in some situations can cause bubbles )
All these do is provide an easy way for you to fill your system with water! anyone will do
Step2: installing all of the junk!
Order of cooling equipment
I like pump outlet to radiator inlet, then radiator outlet to waterblock inlet , then waterblock outlet to northbridge inlet, and then from north bridge outlet to video card inlet. next from video card outlet to resevior inlet and from resevior outlet to pump inlet. NOTE that you dont have to do it this way and that not all of the stages are required for your water cooling system.
1) So we unwrap our new pump and find an ideal place. Most times pumps come with an inlet on the side and the outlet on top. Some times these are 2 different sizes like an 3/8OD inlet and a 1/2 OD outlet. So you must buy the right fittings to compensate. Mounting the pump is optional. By mounting it you ensure that the pump always stays in place AND it reduces if not down right gets rid of vibrations.
2)Radiator or heater core. Installing these might require you to buy longer screws. Placement for these are totaly up to you. Some mount them up on top if you have a blow hole. Or some mount them in the front or rear intake/outtake fan mountings. You will want to mount it where your fans are because you need to install it directly to a fan. Now you can have your fan pull or blow:spin:. I think blowing cool air into the radiator is better some think pulling the hot air out is better. Or have 2 fans 1 on each side (1 pulling and blowing).
3)Now for the waterblock. Assuming all your fittings are correct. Just clamp on your water block do not use any thermal paste because we wont be starting the computer yet.
4)Ok lets just say thats all i bought i have placed my pump, radiator, and cpu water block. I now break out my tygon tubing. i measure from my pump out take to my radiatro intake. I now Aim for a strait cut. make sure your cuts are as strait as can be. Then i slide my tubing on. It should be a fairly tight fit. I then break out my MEATAL! hose clamps and clamp them on. I now repeat the last step for my radiator to cpu and my cpu to the resevior and from there to the pump again. All the time looking to make sure everything is on tight and snug. I now plug my pump in. I make sure to use distilled water and use the right mixtures. Filling it slowly when the resevior is full I turn the pump on and the water in the resevior should be sucking into the tubes. I then keep on filling it till all the tubing is full and cap off the resevior. NOTE do not turn on your computer just your pump! Check for any leaks leave it on for a few hours just to be sure.
**for those with pumps that plug into your mobo. TAKE out your cpu and reclamp the waterblock without it on or you can just lay your waterblock to the side. Then turn on your computer.
Now LEAVE ME ALONE :mad: :mad: :mad: