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How to water cool your system

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  • #16
    I'm building my first computer right now, and I'm considering overclocking and using your water cooling system:. With overclocking a p4 3.0 and a raedon 9800 pro, with the water pump, would a 350w power supply be safe or would you recommend I install a smoke detector inside my case? (j/k )
    ... or maybe I'm just a complete idiot.


    • #17
      haha its 350 is fine.

      also note that some pumps require an AC outlet... meaning you gotta plug em into a wall socket


      • #18
        scuse me Aero. could you please post a link or two where to buy some of the parts you use? like the water block/good pump/tubs?
        Beacause ten billion years' time is
        so fragile, so ephemeral...
        it arouses such bittersweet,
        almost heartbreaking fondness.


        • #19
          too bad thats a waste of money, for 200 bucks more you can get a prommie and oc a 2.4c to 4.1ghz..... or get a vaporchill sys. or better yet get real ghetto and make a waterchill that can oc to 4.1..... plus water cool systems are so ineffecient. you could just buy an SP-94 and oc just as good, for 50 bucks..
          Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

          3DMark01se :18975


          • #20
            what is a prommie? can you guys linke the shop taht sells online? i live in asia and really cant find local hardware stores who carry these parts.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SSJChrono
              too bad thats a waste of money, for 200 bucks more you can get a prommie and oc a 2.4c to 4.1ghz..... or get a vaporchill sys. or better yet get real ghetto and make a waterchill that can oc to 4.1..... plus water cool systems are so ineffecient. you could just buy an SP-94 and oc just as good, for 50 bucks..
              LoL 200 more? how much is phase change cooling where you live? Water cooling costs are around the $200 to $250 mark. Plus Want GPU colling with your phase? you might as well not have any PCI slots because the phase cooling unit is so big. WHy not add a peltier to you WC setup You could reach 4.ghz. Water cooling ineffecient? can you back that up? Sure its a waste of money if you buy a premade kit like thermaltakes. An SP-94 as good as watercooling? will that cool your CPU and GPU? nope. Inorder to get a good OC with that you gotta have a nice loud fan. It's about as good as a cheep WC set up.


              • #22
                how far do you get on that watercooling system?


                400 bucks more....

                like i said how far do you get on water?
                Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

                3DMark01se :18975


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SSJChrono
                  how far do you get on that watercooling system?


                  400 bucks more....

                  like i said how far do you get on water?
                  With water and 1.16th coolant
                  From 2.8 to 3.8.

                  With a Peltier

                  But ram makes it unstable


                  • #24

                    best guide ever, better than this one


                    • #25
                      I'm still learning about computers I never heard about watercooling your computer. Can someone tell me how this helps your system?
                      "The Code of Honor is the only code I follow."

                      -Katsuchiyo-(1,000 vitories to come.)

                      "Knowing is not enough you must apply, Applying is not enough you must Do." -Bruce Lee


                      • #26
                        Wow that looks cool!
                        So all you people have heat problems too? My computer restarts itself alot when playing FFXI.
                        You know what my cooling system is? I open up the side of my computer and point a small desk fan into there and that works good! Haha.


                        • #27
                          how hot is a normal, non water cooled (just standard fan) video card supposed to get? my card is running >44 degrees (used to un at 39 or less, but main comp fan failed, and now video card runs hot even though i replaced main comp fan)

                          Help the admins be using the report function... and bug them on AIM till they pay attencion
                          Proud member of the Fire Division of Crystal Guardians.


                          • #28
                            Re: How to water cool your system

                            Ugh, go with Koolance, they've been the first, and with my 13+ years of water cooling systems, they've always been the best. My current setup:

                            AMD Phenom II 940 (current clock is 3.4GhZ on all cores)
                            6 GB of DDR2 RAM
                            ATi Radeon HD 4890 GPU (1 GB of GDDR5 VRAM)
                            (Currently all but the HDD's are liquid cooled)
                            1.75TB of HDD space spread accross 4 SATA drives.

                            I have three temp sensors on my system that come with the Koolance Pump + 3 Fans + Radiator + coolant, CPU temp, when CPU is at half load never exceeds 31*C, Full load on all cores never exceeds 35*C, The video card, in normal operation, sits at about 30*C, and the internal case temp is 28*C.

                            Once you switch to liquid cooling, you never switch back, I don't think I could go with air cooling, once I've seen what my system can do under full out stress.

                            If I were to go with non-liquid cooled, I'll seal my case and install an A/C compressor in it.

                            IMO, nothing can beat a koolance. Simple, easy to install and work with, they have ready to go cases that you can buy, they use Lian-Li cases and products (top of the line computer cases, built strong) and generally have a much longer life time then most other products (I have a cooling system that I bought from them in 2002 that still works almost like brand new, the only problem with it was a fan went out on it)


                            • #29
                              Re: How to water cool your system

                              Hi Jguy, welcome to 5 years ago.

                              500 hours in MS paint


                              • #30
                                Re: How to water cool your system

                                Apologies, I didn't notice that until I actually had posted, and since I found some relevance with my post and the thread is stickied, I didn't think twice to editing/deleting it, so my fault.

