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FX5600 256MB or Ti4800SE 128?

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  • FX5600 256MB or Ti4800SE 128?

    I need opinions here, and since the search option has been disabled for the time being, I cant search around for it. Which card is better? IM building a computer and these are my two best options that i can afford (and also the only 2 cards the company has). Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks!

  • #2
    bump bump bump :p


    • #3
      Dont waste your money on a 256mb gpx card, its tested that even Doom 3 runs the same (.5-1% more of a difference) on a 128mb card. So your best bet would be to save about 100$ and get the Ti card :spin:
      Beacause ten billion years' time is
      so fragile, so ephemeral...
      it arouses such bittersweet,
      almost heartbreaking fondness.


      • #4
        Was at Quake-Con this year. The booths they had setup to play Doom III were all running Geforce FX 5900 Ultra 256MB. In other words, they felt the need to have these cards to show off the best of Doom III.

        In my own opinion, more ram is never bad. If money is the issue, then get the 4800 TISE, but if you can afford to spend a little more, get the FX 5600 256MB because its going to last you a lot longer, in terms of games using more video ram, and the power of the GPU itself.


        • #5
          Well, i can get them both for the exact same price. Im building a computer and I can get them both for $130.


          • #6
            Then by gosh man, get the FX 5600. Its has a faster, more robust GPU (graphics processing unit) and more ram.


            • #7
              Remember english classes in High School where the common theme of "Appearance vs. Reality" was constantly found throughout the works of famous writers, such as Shakespeare?

              Well, it applies here as well. Do not be fooled by the higher number of the 4800. From what I have learned after searching through countless amounts of sites for the right graphics card, it is said that the ti4800 gives the same performance as the ti 4200.

              If you want to run FFXI in a pretty fashion, get the FX5600 cause it's a lot more powerful than the 4800.
              But I, being poor have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly because you tread over my dreams.

