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Spring 2013

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  • #46
    Re: Spring 2013

    Just finished watching Toaru Majutsu no Index Movie - Endymion no Kiseki. Was a fun diversion and I really missed Index and having everyone in their proper roles. What was also interesting was the additional characters in the movie that seemed to be a bit of a spoiler for things to come (if there is an Index III)


    • #47
      Re: Spring 2013

      Railgun S comes to a close and I didn't really like the last arc (I almost feel as if they should've just closed out Railgun S as a 13 EP Sister's Arc + closing episodes season) I didn't care for ITEM and wouldn't have missed them (but they got dropped in as a cameo for no frigging reason - #disappointed #wtf)

      What I'm pumped up for is Magi and I really should open up a Fall 2013 thread as the season looks to have a bit better in the way of series than Summer did (let's face it, the summer releases were pretty bullshit aside from a couple of old standbys)


      • #48
        Re: Spring 2013

        I have four words for you:

        Saten piloting a mech.

        That is all I have to say

        Seriously though I loved the final episode, it seems they went out of their way to give everyone a moment to shine even if ITEM seemed shoehorned in for the sake of fanservice.
        Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
        Reiko Takahashi
        - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
        Haters Gonna Hate


        • #49
          Re: Spring 2013

          Originally posted by Firewind View Post
          I have four words for you:

          Saten piloting a mech.

          That is all I have to say

          Seriously though I loved the final episode, it seems they went out of their way to give everyone a moment to shine even if ITEM seemed shoehorned in for the sake of fanservice.
          I don't begrudge anyone for wanting fan service and I agree that they couldn't have done a better job of doing that in the final episode. However, the last arc in the first season of Railgun was more memorable than this one. There's just too many inconsistencies in the side story with canon and even if it were stand-alone, the plot-holes as well as too many characters and no revelations, exposes or growth made it uninteresting. If they really wanted to flesh out the whole tension between the "haves and have nots" (e.g., Level 0s and Espers), they could've fleshed out the anti-Esper organization, Skill-Out, and then even give background for those insurgents, including their leader.

          Light Novel Information

          Anyway, I'm just killing time until Index III is released, so these side-stories of Mikoto Misaka are just distractions.


          • #50
            Re: Spring 2013

            I think they may have also wanted to avoid overtaking the manga. The current arc isn't done yet and the manga gets a new issue every month.
            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
            Reiko Takahashi
            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
            Haters Gonna Hate

