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Spice and Wolf

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  • Spice and Wolf

    I've been looking into so different anime that sounded interesting since they had a different spin and I've found myself captivated by this anime.

    A first the plot sounds like a set-up for a furry fan service...

    Lawrence is a traveling merchant in this fantasy world where a church holds sway in almost every corner but for the few hold out pagan worshipers in the north and small villiages. As it turns out the people are loosing such faith in their former gods a little wolf harvest goddess named Horo has decided to leave for her home villiage, the location of which she cant' quite remember, and to do it she needs a ride. She turns herself into a naked human girl, one with with the ears and tail of a wolf, and hitches a ride on Lawerence's cart not taking no for an answer. He's intrigued enough to agree to take her and thus Spice and Wolf begins.

    Despite some naked shots of Horo, who isn't ashamed at all to appear in the buff taking delight in Lawrence's discomfort, though this anime is anything but a fan service. The story follows the two as they travel from villiage to villiage on the journey and the business deals and run-ins with the all powerful church. The romantic tension that developes between the two, there's plenty of banter between the ancient clever goddess and the kind but greedy merchant, and what they learn from each other in their interactions take center stage through out it all. Save a very few action sequences where Horo must transform into her true wolf goddess form to provide needed muscle this anime's tone is calculating and intelligent as we see whether or not these schemes will fail or succeed. I hate economics in real life but somehow I found myself caring if the price of the coins would go up or down because these characters made me want them to succeed in their market manipulation rather than poor Lawerence have to go into forced labor.

    The opening song I really liked also:

    [ame=""]YouTube- Spice and Wolf OP ( IN HD!! )[/ame]

    So here's the link to the first season. There are 2 so far and I can't wait until the 3rd.

    Watch Spice and Wolf Online | English Dubbed-Subbed Episodes

    Asura Server

  • #2
    Re: Spice and Wolf

    This was an interesting one. It was nice to see a departure from the carbon copy shows, and an anime about economics is not exactly what one expects to find. Definitely worth checking out.

    I think some of its appeal was simply the novelty of something so different, because I just couldn't get into the second season.
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage


    • #3
      Re: Spice and Wolf

      I actually liked the 2nd season a little better lol.

      Asura Server


      • #4
        Re: Spice and Wolf

        Curses, now I have to put it back on my list of stuff to eventually watch. Maybe I just tried to consume it too fast. Sometimes I need to stagger my intake, if that makes any sense.
        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
        Name: Drjones
        Blog: Mediocre Mage


        • #5
          Re: Spice and Wolf

          Spice and Wolf is good, and if you do like it. Yen Press is bring out the novels the first one came out in December 09


          • #6
            Re: Spice and Wolf

            Lol. I found these videos.

            [ame=""]YouTube- ホロと一緒に踊りゃんせ♪[/ame]

            [ame=""]YouTube- 【賢狼ホロに「Ievan Polkka」を歌わせてみた】に動画をつけてみた[/ame]

            Asura Server

