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Inuyasha: Final Act

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  • Inuyasha: Final Act

    I just saw this and I was disappointed that the origianl anime had never finished like the manga did just throwing in a stupid artificial ending saying "we're continuing to fight but you won't see it".

    I started watching it and been impressed. They're condensing the manga to just move the story on to its conclusion but still manage to not make it seem to rushed.

    Anyone else caught these episodes on Hulu or are most people here not into Inuyasha? lol.

    This is the end that I am talking about, not a rehash of the old episodes, they finally have made it and are airing the end of the story long after the manga ended.

    Inuyasha - The Final Act - Full Episodes and Clips streaming online for free - Hulu

    Its set to be 26 episodes and its already 12 into it.
    Last edited by fairyoracle75; 12-22-2009, 04:02 PM. Reason: Since I didn't make it clear that this is a new anime

    Asura Server

  • #2
    Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

    I used to like Inuyasha.

    I stopped caring when there was obviously no end in sight.


    • #3
      Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

      Aye, it was a good anime and I (sadly) watched it to the end and was also sorely pissed off.

      Was it really so hard to just have him sacrifice himself to kill Naraku & be with Kikiyo?



      • #4
        Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

        I cant believe after all those chapters that Naraku is still alive and causing havoc. I would have thought the would have at least kill him off by now and made a new major villian.
        PSN ID: Kelshan
        Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
        Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


        • #5
          Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

          This is the end that I am talking about, not a rehash of old episodes. They finally have made it and are airing the end of the story long after the manga ended.

          Inuyasha - The Final Act - Full Episodes and Clips streaming online for free - Hulu

          Its set to be 26 episodes and its already 12 into it.

          I don't think I made it clear what I was talking about lol.
          Last edited by fairyoracle75; 12-22-2009, 04:03 PM.

          Asura Server


          • #6
            Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

            O.O so it's a new animated series that's just the final story Arc of the Manga? AWESOME!!!

            I still think they should just have him die alongside Kikiyo already and end the stupid flirting with Kagome.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

              I used to love InuYasha.

              I stopped caring...


              • #8
                Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

                Hmmm, when I gave that last reply, I was referring to the manga. After that particular event, I thought Rumiko Takahashi should've started working on concluding the series since it was the the first killing of a major character. Instead, she dragged it on some 15-20 more volumes or something.

                But knowing the anime is jumping right to ending the series makes me want to buy the anime instead now, seeing as it does correct one of my former complaints about the series, both the manga and anime- too much excess of everything.

                That new Do as Infinity song doesn't sound half bad either.


                • #9
                  Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

                  Yeah I agree Takahasi drew things out, I'm sure her publishers begged her to keep the series going for as long as possible because it was popular, and the original anime did the same.

                  I think you'll like how they're moving it along.


                  Asura Server


                  • #10
                    Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

                    I used to watch this show religiously.. but after I moved back up to north Texas, I just lost the need to watch it.. I had no idea about the last part of your spoiler Fairy. That kind of puts a lump in my throat.. You know.. the one right before you cry >_>
                    A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

                    it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

                    R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

                    Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


                    • #11
                      Re: Inuyasha: Final Act


                      I'm guessing you don't like Kikyo. I don't get why people dislike her. I think she's a great character. As far as complexity goes, she's a cut above most of the other characters. But it's like fans can't seem to recognize both her and Kagome on their own merits.

                      Even so, I think I always liked Kagura the most. Up until her departure from the series, I almost stopped caring about what happened to the others because her situation got so complicated and desperate. And she, in my opinion, makes the single most surprising decision in the series when she...


                      Probably also why I lost interest after that point.


                      • #12
                        Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

                        My "actually" wasn't in regards to Kikyo, I thought she was one of the most interesting and complex characters, my "actually" was meant to mean I was moved to physical tears since they did such a good job on capturing the emotion of the scene.


                        I don't always get moved to actual tears when watching a scene play out in an anime or movie. That was meant as a compliment to Sunrise and the voice actors for doing such a good job.

                        Asura Server


                        • #13
                          Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

                          Yeah, that's a conclusion I jump to sometimes. I used to post on an anime forum, and there was a lot of anti-Kikyo going on in it.

                          More Spoilers
                          Last edited by Ketaru; 12-24-2009, 05:38 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

                            Honestly most of the people that complain like that are the 12-15 year old girls with weird soap opera inspired ideas about emotions and love.

                            Even More Spoilers

                            Asura Server


                            • #15
                              Re: Inuyasha: Final Act

                              ( '-')b

                              The Do as Infinity single for "Kimi ga Inai Mirai" ("A Future Where You Don't Exist") is going to be released at the end of January.

                              I grew so cynical with the way the InuYasha manga was so badly drawn out, watching the way the Final Act was handled has reminded me of how much of a fan of it, and of Rumiko Takahashi, I really was. Just pulled out some of my old Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, and Mermaid Saga manga that I haven't looked at for some 3 years. Thank you very much for the heads up about the episodes being aired on Hulu.

