Source: Daizenshuu EX - Updated 02/06/2009 -- ["Refreshed" DBZ TV Airing In Japan!]

Another big thanks to kei17 over in Japan for the Jump scan and translation/information. Let's just break it down clearly and quickly for you, since I'm pretty sure that we can all barely contain our excitement:
- The DBZ TV series is receiving an extensive "refresh" for Japanese television airing
- This is a celebration of the 20th anniversary of DBZ
- While based on the original animation production, it is being updated with new technology
- This includes extending the frames for formatting on an HD 16:9 display (note: not cropping the image)
- The original Japanese cast is re-grouping to re-voice the show (where available, and unfortunately not including those that have passed on, such as Hirotaka Suzuoki [Tenshinhan])
- Sound effects are being updated
- Unlike the general show, the OPs and EDs are being completely redone
- While not in the above announcement, other reports are noting that the number of episodes is being reduced from 291 to approximately 100
- This begins 05 April 2009 @ 9 am