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  • X

    Am I the only person who truly loves this manga/anime? Come on people! Show your love for X!!! The tortured cast of hip teens, the angst driven story, the superb animation and fight scenes, how can you not love it? ^_^

    But perhaps the best thing about it is that there are no "Bad" people. It is just people fighting for what they believe in, and then there is Kamui, who doesn't care either way but is forced to choose a side.

    The characters are all unique and are so richly brought to life by CLAMP, the stoic Arashi, machine loved Satzuki, and compassionate Kotori. Not to mention all the side stories that the characters are involved in like Subaru and Seishiro, Sorata and Arashi, and Karen and Aoki. =D

    Maybe I'm just too in love with it to see it's flaws, what are all your opinions on X? :spin:

  • #2
    I've yet to see the whole series. But from what I've seen I love it. It has a really interesting story line and really cool characters. It's definitely one of my favorites right now.


    • #3
      If you are watching the series then you must read the manga!
      The series is a very spliced, edited version of the manga. Of course it is animated though and manga isn't. =P
      But the manga is better than the series in my opinion.:spin:


      • #4
        I liked the Ova - So far am LOVING the series (only on the fourth DVD going to get the fith here soon) and do indeed plan on buying the Manga probably this summer heh. I agree with u on everything. At first, i'll admit it was jus the smooth frame rates and great animation that caught my attention - but the real reason i like X would def. have to be the characters. I don't really dislike any but hold many in regard as being among some of my fave chars ever. ( i just hope X doesn't become very Maintstreem but since it does have a dark side to it i dun think we'll be seeing it on cartoon network any time soon =D)

        But yeah i'm really not that hardcore of an Anime fan - i just find a few series i like and go for broke on em . . . X is one of those few series.


        • #5
          lol, what a coinkidink, i JUST finished watching the movie on the Action Channel.

          I'm not a fan of violence, so i guess apocolyptic anime would be the last thing I'd be watching, but there's something about X that makes me love it. It's not just the normal senseless violence. The themes of love and friendship are above any other anime of the genre.

          Of course, I can't watch something like that without getting a little teary-eyed.

          I bought the manga and movie a long time ago, but I really need to get the latest TV version, I've heard it's quite good.

          Anyone else here a big CLAMP fan?
          PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
          Rockman - Fairy

          WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
          Currently Playing:
          FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
            The themes of love and friendship are above any other anime of the genre.
            yeah - another reason i really like it ( this is especially true in the T.V. version.) I like how many times 2 people who are often enemys are shown having a casual convorsation and or seem to be friends, when in actuality they're gona end up DEADing each other =\ but yes i really have to agree with you on that.


            • #7
              I'm a HUGE CLAMP fan!!!
              I have looked all over but I cannot find Magic Knight: Rayearth anywhere on DVD. =( I also want to start getting Chobits, and I heard they are coming out with a Tokyo Babylon movie??? I'm not 100% sure on that though so don't hold it against me.
              However I am kind of strapped for cash at the moment so I haven't been able to buy any new manga or anime.

              PaiPaiMaster, you didn't like the X movie?? They did have to cut out all the subplots, but I still like it better than the TV series. =D
              And the manga is just perfect, at least in my opinion. ^^


              • #8
                the Rayearth OAV hasn't come out on DVD yet, and the TV Series has been out on DVD for some time.

                Tokyo Babylon has been released as a movie, i saw it the other day on the action channel, but i'm not sure if the DVD is out in the US yet.

                I did like the X movie, but I do feel that the manga is better. I just feel that something with the background and such a grand story (with so many relationships between characters), it's hard to make a 2 hour movie to encompass the whole thing. But of course, that is a sacrifice you have to make with all feature-version of manga or tv series anime.
                PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                Rockman - Fairy

                WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                Currently Playing:
                FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                • #9
                  Rayearth has been out on DVD? Ummm, this is a stupid question but what (Does OAV stand for) is the difference between the OAV and the TV series? ^^ I went to the mall a couple months ago and I saw it on VHS and I asked them if they had it on DVD but they said no. I hate living in Maine, we never get any good anime up here, and no anime specialty shops =/

                  Thanks so much and I'll keep an eye out for the Tokyo Babylon movie. :spin:


                  • #10
                    An OAV (Original Animated Video) is basically (most of the time) a shortened version of the anime or manga version. Most of the time, however, an OAV is not based on a manga or anime, it is a completely new liscence, and is later made into a TV anime, film or manga.

                    These releases are direct-to-video in Japan, and because of this, usually have better budgeting (meaning better animation, sound quality, etc.) and are able to air what isn't able to be shown on TV. In Rayearth's case, the OAV is different from the TV series in that there are only 3 one-hour installments, as opposed to the TV version being a multiple season, continuous series.

                    EDIT: According to Manga Entertainment, who distributes series like Rayearth, the OAV has recently been released on a single DVD. It might not be in stores yet, but apparently you can order it off their website, I didn't see Tokyo Babylon on their catalogue, so I don't think it's been released yet. Manga is known for taking a very long time with releases (End of Evangelion, ahem.)

                    They released their Astro Boy VHS tapes in 2001, but won't begin releasing the DVDs until 2005. :sweat:
                    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                    Rockman - Fairy

                    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                    Currently Playing:
                    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                    • #11
                      Haha thanks! :p I will now hail you as Grand Master of Anime.
                      I know I could always order stuff off the net, but I'm very skeptical about putting my credit card number on it.
                      Thanks again.

                      So who's everyones favorite X character? Mines Subaru! He's too cool, with the white trench coat and his sullen attitude. Satsuki comes in second because she's got the whole thing going with the Beast and she dresses cool too, gotta love that streak in her hair.


