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What's your pet peeve in Anime

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  • #16
    Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

    la blue girl

    fk yes


    • #17
      Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      ~ Animes series that end right when they should, but the characters are so cool you wish they'd make more episodes anyway.
      I'm pretty sure the general concensus here is that this is FLCL.

      ~ Animes they should have stopped making a long time ago, yet they haven't.
      The Pokémon anime. Heavens, it's a dead horse already. Nobody watches it, or cares to watch it or keep up any more.

      And this is coming from a die-hard Pokémon fan here. Please: just let the anime die already. For the love of all things decent.

      (Guess what another anime pet peeve of mine is?)
      Originally posted by Armando
      No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
      Originally posted by Armando
      Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
      Originally posted by Taskmage



      Originally posted by Taskmage
      However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
      Matthew 16:15


      • #18
        Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

        Whiney anime main just get's annoying after a while. Only one I actually liked was Shinji and that's because his whinyness actually blows up the damn world.

        Animes that end in cliffhangers because they're based on comics that are still running (Kare Kano, Bastard and Berserk did that >.<)

        The fight-five-minutes-talk-two-hours syndrome in a lot of 'shonen' anime. Cut to the chase already dammit!

        And sure, I'll throw into the whole 'weebo hate' thing. Personally, I like all types of animation, as long as it's done well. But then again every genre and style will have it's over obsessive fans.

        Honestly, I'm finding myself liking anime less and less nowadays so a lot of the new stuff falls into my 'pet peeve' category. In the end I find it's easier to list what I do like as opposed to what I don't.

        p.s. And since it was mentioned in this topic, how is the Negima anime and how many eps are out there? I sorta stumbled upon the comic and started liking it a lot. Decent mix of action, comedy, drama and fan-service imo
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #19
          Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

          Anime that leave out a lot of the story material ; ;

          Inu Yasha for instance came to an abrupt end, with the story going on but the series ending (That is, there's more story but the anime itself was done so no more episodes to show said story)



          • #20
            Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

            Holy shit.

            INU YASHA ended?! And here I thought it'd last us another 5 years.


            • #21
              Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

              The yaoi/yuri slash fandoms that crop up around them. Especially when there's nothing in the canon and you get 13 year old girlies trying to tell me they SEE SUBTEXTS!!!11one.

              Oh, you mean in actual anime?

              Filler shit.
              Overt fanservice.

              That's about it. I don't watch much that much of it. I especially avoid anything harem/overly-relationship based.

              In fact, my only real favorites anymore are Death Note and Trinity Blood. Ghost in the Shell is pretty good, just never really watched it that often.
              "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

              ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


              • #22
                Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                You didn't like FMA?

                Also, props to the idiots who decided to do a couple of seasons of filler for Naruto.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #23
                  Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                  YM, BBQ was being deliberately ironic.

                  Either that or he's even stupider than I thought.


                  • #24
                    Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                    Last time I checked, DB and DBZ were running long before Pokemon on US TV.

                    "First US release
                    In 1986, as the Dragon Ball anime was kicking off in Japan, a Dragon Ball video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System was produced by Bandai and exported to the US. Titled "Dragon Power" , it was a martial arts action game which loosely followed the plot of the first thirteen chapters of the manga.

                    In 1989, a first attempt was made to release the Dragon Ball anime in the US in the form of a limited number of episodes (and an edited form of the first and third movie) produced and dubbed by Harmony Gold. After being test marketed in several cities (with some resulting controversy over the subject matter of the early episodes-- something that would strike again in later attempts), this version (now called the "Lost Dub") was withdrawn from the marketplace without a full season produced.

                    Second US release
                    In 1996, the company FUNimation Production Inc. (now known as FUNimation Entertainment) bought the rights to all the U.S. releases of the Dragon Ball series."

                    Pokemon didn't arrive until 1998. Every anime fan I know started watching animes before 1998 and mostly because of DB/DBZ.

                    @Malacite: I REALLY hope Naruto doesn't go DB/DBZ fight style on us.
                    Current Server: Asura
                    Current Home Nation: Bastok (Rank 10)
                    Race/Sex: Elvaan/Male
                    Main Job: 75 DRK / 37 SAM,RDM,NIN,WAR,WHM
                    Main Craft: 73 Cloth

                    (Read this at a normal pace...)
                    Tihs Msseage Connat Be Raed By Nromal Huamn Biegns. Pelsae Ntoify Yuor Firedns Taht If Tehy Can Raed Tihs, Taht Tehy Aenr't Namrol...Cnovrresly, Atmpetnig To Raed Tihs Msasege At Nmaorl Pcae And Bineg Albe To, Cna't be Namrol Etiehr...If Yor'ue Albe To Raed Tihs, Tehn Mybae Yur'oe Not Nrmaol.


                    • #25
                      Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                      First != Popularizing.

                      I could show you plenty of cars that came out before the Model T, that doesn't mean the Model T wasn't what really got people getting cars.

                      If EVERYONE you know started watching anime because of DBZ, you need to stop talking to yourself and meet new people.


                      • #26
                        Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                        I have friends!
                        Current Server: Asura
                        Current Home Nation: Bastok (Rank 10)
                        Race/Sex: Elvaan/Male
                        Main Job: 75 DRK / 37 SAM,RDM,NIN,WAR,WHM
                        Main Craft: 73 Cloth

                        (Read this at a normal pace...)
                        Tihs Msseage Connat Be Raed By Nromal Huamn Biegns. Pelsae Ntoify Yuor Firedns Taht If Tehy Can Raed Tihs, Taht Tehy Aenr't Namrol...Cnovrresly, Atmpetnig To Raed Tihs Msasege At Nmaorl Pcae And Bineg Albe To, Cna't be Namrol Etiehr...If Yor'ue Albe To Raed Tihs, Tehn Mybae Yur'oe Not Nrmaol.


                        • #27
                          Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                          Annoying things in anime:

                          1. In a dramatic moment where the heroes are talking among themselves, they'll all be slightly hunched over with fists clenched, and just as a character finishes saying something imperative, he'll swipe the air with his dominant hand just to let everyone know that he really means it.

                          2. When talking to a new enemy, the hero will say some typical line about defeating evil, the true nature of strength, or some other stupid shit. The antagonist ends his emotionless expression with a sinister smirk. Protagonist is required to make some kind of vocal noise, such as "hrrrk" or "grrrr" to indicate that the situation has suddenly become more serious.

                          3. When two characters duel, the stronger fighter constantly taunts and goads the weaker one that's in the middle of an offensive frenzy while sweating profusely. When the frenzy ends, the weaker character will breathe heavily as the superior fighter starts prattling on about his superiority and show no sign of being touched a single time. In a later duel, this same calm, collected warrior will suddenly become a similarly mindless attacker and sweat profusely against a stronger opponent. The words "impossible" and "strength" will be used frequently.
                          PSN & XBL ID: Meicyn
                          Wii Code: 6847-2608-8630-2415


                          • #28
                            Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            YM, BBQ was being deliberately ironic.

                            Either that or he's even stupider than I thought.
                            You know, now that I look at it that way, it's so obvious.

                            But, seriously, Satoshi should really be anywhere between 17-21 at this point (lost count), and he keeps befriending these newbie girls who have "just turned ten" and simultaneously look like they are the teenagers. Oh, and the Rockets, through a combination of old age (again) and the length of time they are apparently starved, should have stopped having the sheer energy to be annoying anymore. They should really freaking give up while they're still alive. No, you know what? Screw them, the whole TV series should just die right now already! In a fire, preferably. Except, possibly, for the first, and maybe the third season.

                            Originally posted by Armando
                            No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                            Originally posted by Armando
                            Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                            GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                            Matthew 16:15


                            • #29
                              Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                              1)Fundimation getting license to Tenchi OVA 3 and new Ryoko voice actor. /fume!
                              2)epic failures for dubs
                              3)Cartoon network failing with gundam, and all other epic anime
                              4)Raydeus when he comments on anime, and what he says quoting me.
                              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                              • #30
                                Re: What's your pet peeve in Anime

                                My god, we have a lot of pet peeve threads.

                                /goes and makes one.
                                ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

